{yes, my eye is still a little purple.}
Saturday involved my parent's house again. My brother-in-law Tripp has been out of town, too and so my parent's were watching Daisy for part of the day on Saturday. Nate and I decided to go over there so the cousins could play a little bit. Both Nate and Daisy took a nap and my mom, Sam & I ran to a fabric store I recently discovered (thanks Brooke!). It's a good thing I can't sew or else I'd spend a lot of money there! The kiddos woke up and played outside with grandma's sink. Despite getting absolutely soaked in their only set of clothes - all three kids had a good time.
{please don't mock my child's outfit. Half jammies, half polo shirt & a cowboy hat. It's what happens at our house on a Saturday afternoon.}
While Nate and Daisy were eating lunch, they both kept yelling "dada". Both of their dads travel alot and the kiddos definitely miss them.
When we weren't at my parent's house, we were . . .
Working on the golf swing.
Being silly.
And we went to church.
Yes, he's still obsessed with hats. He has one on almost all of the time. Nate let his cousin Spence borrow his cowboy hat and we recently got it back and he will not stop wearing it - even though it's way too small! Church is a challenge with no hat on!