It was Wes' brother's 30th birthday and his cute wife, Leigh thought it would be fun to surprise him at his birthday party with his two brothers, Wes & Grant and their families. Months and months ago we all booked our flights so we could have a fun weekend together and surprise Spencer. As the departure date got a little closer, Wes & I went back and forth as to whether Nate and I were going to make the treck with Wes but we decided last minute to have us all go. I can't miss out on a party. We had a great time with Wes' family and somehow survived 21 hours of travel in a 60 hour time period with a one year old. I have to say that Nate was a TROOPER. Don't get me wrong, we won't be doing that again for a LONG time but it was worth it to be with all of the Griffeth clan.
Leigh sure knows how to throw a party. Since she and Spencer are HUGE college football fans, she threw him a tailgating football party which was appropriate since Saturday was the college football kick-off day. Everyone wore their favorite team colors.
Spencer & the Griffeth clan are huge Georgia football fans so the party was pretty much all things Georgia Bulldogs. Which I'm sure was tough for Leigh since she's a HUGE Tennessee fan.
a blurry photo of Wes and Nate in their Georgia colors. Nate is currently a Bulldogs & a cougar fan. We'll see who he decides to cheer for when he's a little bigger.
We really enjoy Wes' entire family and wish we could see everyone more often. It was great to see you all. However, this Griffeth family will be staying on the west coast for a while so feel free to come our way anytime. We'd love to have ya.
I cannot believe the spread documented here. Amazing food. We had chicken salad sandwiches at the Merrills... does that count? --oh oh and Fritos.
on a sidenote: wanna join me in the campaign to get mimi to update her blog? I am somewhat (insert foot in mouth) tired of the picture of claire in her highchair.
***love ya mims... i know it will be days before you (mimi) read this anyway***
back to you, the cross country treck is one that continues to keep you on a pedastal.
We LOVED having you come and appreciate the sacrifice!!! Nate was a trooper. It was so fun to see him in action. I love how he "steers" you when you are walking with him! Thanks again for coming!
We loved having you all back in the South! You all were troopers, but the party just wouldn't have been the same without you all! Hope you all recover quickly.
A) Completely agree with Amy - what a spread! And what a cake, how fun
B) Still am in awe that you made the trek and
C) That you survived!
And tell Amy that I updated my blog before I ever read what she just wrote so neener neener.
Nate told me he wants to be a Rebel fan:)
Looks like an eventful weekend! What a great party- I love the cake and all the decorations!
I can't believe you traveled that far with Nate...good for you. It is so hard traveling with kids. That is pretty nice of you to go all that way for fam. About your mom post, I think everyone feels that way. It seems to get harder with the more kids you have. I try splitting things up so I have more control of things. It helps to get out and do things with the kids because at home I get sidetracked with all the other things to do. I love all your posts about Nate, I can tell you are a wonderful and devoted mother.
I think that is great. Glad you had fun!!
You guys definitely win the "travelers of the summer" award! The party looks fun! I didn't leave the house one on Labor day due to Mil the pill being sick!
That looked like quite the birthday party! That is SO fun that you guys were all there to suprise Spencer for his birthday! Man, you guys have been BUSY BUSY this summer! Good luck slowing down, if that is even in the plans!
Sounds like fun and even though the flight/travel time was rough it only gets easier as they get older. Sounds like a fun suprise as well.
Looks like you had a ton of fun and I know that Wes's family is so thankful that you would take that short time out to come see them and of course bring Nate.
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