My sister, Sam and I went on a 24 hour adventure to Utah over the weekend. We went up to go to the Jensen family reunion . . . which consisted of my grandma and her only living brother, Grant and all of my mom's cousins. I used to spend a decent amount of time with some of these families but it's been at least a decade since I've seen them. It was fun to see everyone but especially fun to see my mom's siblings and some of my cousins. They are hilarious and always make me laugh!
My cousin Elizabeth, Aunt Linda & family friend Robyn
My mom asked my grandma & Uncle Grant to say a few words about their childhood. It was great to hear from them ~ I learned a few new things about my family.
I have to say something about my great uncle grant and aunt maxine. They are AMAZING and proof that if you stay active and healthy throughout your life, you can still enjoy life in your late 90's! Uncle Grant turns 100 in January and Maxine turns 97 next year. They were at my wedding . . . dancing up a storm! They are still quite the pair and amaze me every time I see them. If I live to be 100, I hope I'm just like Uncle Grant or Aunt Maxine. Maxine acts like she's 70!
There are two reasons we decided to go to this reunion:
1). See family & help my mom since she decided to cook for 90 people. For those who know her, this shouldn't surprise you.
2). See the cabin in Sundance that holds so many memories.
Many, many years ago my grandma's sister built a cabin in Sundance, which is just up the canyon from Provo. We spent so much time there growing up and it has been at least 12 years since I've been there. The place has not changed ONE BIT since it was built. Same furniture. Same bedding. Everything. For like 50 years. There's even still a bed in the kitchen where a dining room table should be. The best part about it is the creek that is 10 feet from their house. They have a huge back deck area with a bridge that goes over the creek. It's beautiful to not only see but it's great to hear the sound of water all day long!
My dad, Sam & I took a little walk up the hill to see the old playground we used to play on. And we walked a little further to Beaver Pond where we used to go fishing. There's nothing like a little walk down memory lane. Especially in the beautiful mountains!
The other fun part of our little trip was Sam & I got to spend some time in P-Town, our old college stomping grounds. We went to University Mall to go in to the Shade Store, ate at Pizza Factory, and made a little trip up to BYU campus to run in to the bookstore and Campus Craft & Floral. Please tell me how I find cuter/unique "home stuff" on BYU campus than in all of Las Vegas? Being on campus brought back lots of great memories. And I'm always amazed at BYU's campus. I swear no other college is as pretty or well-kept. Not one piece of trash or cigarette bud. Every flower and tree is blooming. It's just beautiful. And for you fellow cougars who haven't been there in a while . . . this is our alumni building by the JKHB. Pretty cool.
Even though Sam lives within 15 minutes of me . . . her social life, work/school schedule prevent me from seeing her very often. So it was great to have a full 24 hours of SAM.
Also, thanks Aunt Tina & Uncle Gary for letting us stay with you in your beautiful home. It was fun to chat! And thanks Wes for staying home with Nate. I'm sure he loved some daddy time.
How fun to concentrate on extended family for the weekend! The male warriors at your house seemed to fare well!
Linds, your pictures are so good. Now I really really want a better camara!
I was reading down your blog page and saw that you like fresh n' easy too. My favorites there are their hash browns (10 for $1.69!) and their greek yogurt. It's called voskos and it's yummy.
Utah is beautiful. All the women in your fam are beautiful. I can't believe your Aunt Maxine is 96! She looks great!
What a fun weekend...it's good for Wes to have some quality time with Nate!
Looks like you had a great time with your sister. It is always nice to have a get away and be with extended family.
No No, I really mean it this time. I think I am going to stop visiting your blog. Too many fun things - and I am reminded of my daily mundane grind.
Being a Sam fan myself, I know how wonderful 24 hours with her can be.
Your family is so cute. Glad you had such a fun weekend!
What a cool cabin! You got so much done in 24 hours because you didn't have a little guy to tote around with you:) Looks like a fun weekend with your family.
Jealous, as always... and I know these trips take much preparation and sacrifice on various people's parts, but seriously they always look like so much fun. And when anything involves BYU I am always jealous.
your sundance cabin makes me homesick. I grew up at the mouth of Provo canyon and we were always up the canyon doing things--very pretty!
Oh this makes me want to be in the great outdoors.... and in Provo. I love that place more and more every year I'm away.
Those plaid couches were awesome.
Oh how fun! Family is so precious. Isn't great to know what we know! I agree BYU campus is so beautiful. My mom works there so I sometimes take for granted how wonderful it truely is.
I've always loved Provo. I thought the BYU campus was so pretty too and the mountains there are gorgeous. I didn't go there but my brother did so we would go visit him when I was young. You have such a fun family!
A whirlwind trip but I'm glad you got to come and you are welcome at home anytime.
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