{The picture has nothing to do with this post. This is how he likes to ride in the car. With my sunglasses on. Not his.}
Nate decided he wanted to show me how smart he really is today. I feel like I teach him things over and over wondering if he has any clue as to what I'm talking about. And then all of a sudden he decides to let me in on a few things that he knows. This morning, I asked him these questions and he actually answered me . . .
Nate, what does a cow say? he said: oooooo
What does a bear say? he growled.
Where is your hair? he pulled on his hair.
Where is your nose? he honked his nose.
Where are your toes? he pulled on his toes.
I asked him to sign thank you when I gave him something, and he did that too.
These were all NEW things that he did today. It's nice to know your repetition of attempting to teach them actually pays off. And can I say hallelujah to a "happy day." It feels like for the last month or so we've had "crabby/clingy days" and today we finally had a "happy/I'm OK by myself for a few minutes day." But hey, a few minutes is better than zero minutes!
oh my goodness!!! What a day!!! That is AWESOME! Go Nate, Go Nate, Go Nate!! (and of course, by association, go Lindz!) :)
Cutie Patootie Nate!!!
I think they know how to do all those things for a long time (especially the signing) but one day they just decide to join in with their hands instead of just their minds.
Love the new car seat - great choice!
He is so cute & smart! I love your picture up top, you guys have such a cute family.
What a smart baby! Don't you love it when he learns new things? I always get so excited when my kids learn something new.
It's so fun to see that their little brains are just absorbing everything. They are not talking a lot right now but they understand everything that you say it's amazing. Zeke loves to do head shoulders knees and toes and then he claps and claps when we are done. It's amazing how much they learn in those first years.
SMART BOY!!!! Too cute!
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