Wes had a good idea to get some of his 12 month photos on his new radio flyer. He loves this thing. I can't wait for the fall when it's cool enough outside that he can ride and ride in our driveway.
A little bit about Nate at 12 months:
He's still a fabulous eater. The kid loves everything. Especially whatever Wes and I are eating. His latest favorites are Cafe Rio salads, grilled cheese, all fresh fruit. His latest idea is that he should spoon feed himself which proves to be a little messy but we're working on teaching him how.
He loves straws. His latest favorite drink is a Capri Sun. He drinks the entire thing without even taking a breath. If I have a fountain drink or a drink with a straw at a restaurant, I've learned that he needs to have his own kiddie cup with a straw or else he'll throw a tantrum for my diet coke, which he isn't allowed to have.
He's been on whole milk for about a month now. Hooray for no more formula! He loves it and recently decided that he likes it cold in his sippy cup. (He usually gets it warm in a bottle). Next transition: no more bottles! Wish me luck.
He's not walking but he's standing a lot on his own. We're just waiting for his first step.
Nate's first word (other than mama and dada) was "hot". He loves telling me when things are hot. He'll tell me his food is hot, the ground is hot, the air is hot, the car is hot. His favorite is to point at a lit candle and tell me it's hot. He then proceeds to blow on whatever it is he thinks is hot. It's hilarious.
He is my little sponge, wanting to learn and learn every day. He's so curious. He's mister adventure. There's a group of girls in my ward that meet at a rec center pool every Thursday with water falls and areas for Nate to crawl around in the water. He loves it. I take him over to the waterfalls and he sticks his head right in and loves every minute of it. He also dunks his head on purpose as he crawls around. He loves the water.
He's also ALL boy. He loves being dirty. Loves a mess. Loves dirt. And is in to EVERYTHING.
He has definitely mastered throwing a tantrum but we love the little dude through his kicking and screaming. Sometimes it's actually quite humorous as he throws himself to the floor. One thing he started doing out of the blue is wanting to be held again. I thought we were past that stage. He stands up with his arms up in the air and tugs at our pant legs to be held. He's been very needy since we got back from all of our vacations. I'm hoping it's still a phase and not the new Nate.
One of my favorite things that Nate does is cuddle. He hasn't always been a cuddler but he's getting more and more snuggly as he gets older. He loves stuffed animals for this reason. He gives them a big hug and lays down!
His latest thing is that he loves things on his head. Sunglasses are his favorite but recently he's loved his goofy ears he got at Disneyland.
Nate wanted to help Wes put together the radio flyer . . .
So he can practice riding it . . .
Those radio flyer pics are too precious. I love it! I wish my girls were good eaters. I think they might be starved right now. They throw all their food so good for him!
He is such a handsome boy. I love that he will drink his milk from a sippy cup. Jake won't drink anything but gatorade from his. I really should get him off the bottle!
Where have I been? I love all the new posts and pictures!
I'm so glad that I got to see him and get to know his little personality a little. He is so darling with a personality to match. Love the pics.
Cute photos... I can't believe he is one already. Fast year. By the way, where can I get those cards? I want to do this for baby number 3. Good luck with the bottle. The closer to a year the better. It was way more difficult with Addilyn since I waited until she was about 16 months.
Yeah! So fun to see him in action!!! Thanks for sharing his personality along with the pictures! We LOVE your narratives!
Nate is such a CUTE litte guy!! I love that he is signing too! Lauren is signing "more" and "milk" but we're still working on please and thank you =)
Good luck with the bottle. Every child is different. Maybe try cutting out a bottle during naptime or bedtime (if you give him one). We're starting to transition out of Any drink while going to bed and so for she's done really well. =)
We haven't see you in awhile maybe we could do a playdate with a bunch of girls! =)
He is such a cute boy! I love all the pictures!
Isn't that age the best! I love the radio flyer pics...he is so adorable. You reminded me of all the things I will have to do with my girls soon. They are almost 10 months old. That is so cute all the animal sounds he makes, I'm very impressed!
Cute pics - way to finish off with the age cards. I love the little red radio flyer!
That is such a WES facial expression with the Goofy ears!
I also hate the "Up-ppy" phase AKA... "pick me up immediately MOM." (GRRRRR....)
I am LOVING loving LOVING the updates. And the radio flyer pictures are awesome. Anth and Amy got Claire one and I am just about to break it out - you just made me excited! And love the snuggles.
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