ORIGINAL PURPOSE FOR TRIP TO UTAH: to get together with my 3 college roommates and dear friends before Laurel Bogner gets married.
When it was obvious that just wasn't going to work out, MY NEW PURPOSE FOR GOING TO UTAH WAS:
a). Visit Laurel Walker (one of the roommates) at her parent's home in Huntsville, Utah.
b). Spend some time with my Grandma who has been begging to see Nate.
c). IKEA
an added bonus: see Ryan, Leslie & Millie!
It was by far, the most spontaneous trip I've ever taken. Nate and I flew up to Utah on Wednesday morning ~ my mom picked us up from the airport. I got lucky on my flight . . . this cute Nana ASKED if she could sit by me to help with Nate on the plane! It was fabulous. We didn't always know where we were staying or where we were going, but it all worked out.
We spent Wednesday with my grandma and then we drove to Herriman to visit our friends, The Andrus'. It was fun to see them in their new home. Thanks guys for letting us crash with you!
Millie thought Nate was hilarious! She had a great belly laugh as she'd laugh at him.
Nate is ALL boy. He finds dirt and rocks everywhere we go!
Thursday morning Nate & I drove to Huntsville, Utah to see Laurel W. and her kiddos. Her parents recently built a beautiful home there & we had a great time! Laurel lives in New York so I don't get to see her very often so it was fun to let our kids play together and to catch up. We had a little adventure that night when the power went out in Huntsville for 6+ hours! We were able to sit in the dark and chat for hours after we put the kids to bed. Thanks Laurel (and your mom) for inviting us up to play. We had a great time.
Laurel's oldest . . Avery climbing up the water slide
Laurel's little guy, Ashton. He is a few months younger than Nate.
Nate and Ashton playing with Briscuit, the dog. I think this is the only time they were awake at the same time!
Nate having fun playing on the life size sorry board in the backyard!
On Friday morning we drove back to Salt Lake. While Nate slept at my grandma's house, my mom let Sam and I get a head start at Ikea. How does Vegas not have an Ikea? We were there for a LONG time. By the time you make your way through the store and load everything on to the carts, it can take many hours! Luckily my mom was there to keep Nate busy while Sam and I did the heavy lifting and loading. I was able to get lots of fun stuff for our office/playroom/craft room! That night we drove to the cabin. Lets just say that poor Nate had just about had it by that point. I thought he would fall asleep since it was his bedtime but that was not the case. It was a looong 3.5 hours but it was nice to break up the drive!
Saturday was a relaxing day at the cabin with my mom and Sam. We watched the Olympics and lounged around. Later in the afternoon we decided to go exploring at Navajo Lake & Cedar Breaks. It's gorgeous up there!
OH my gosh, look at you and your spontaneity - so very impressed, and what a fun time it looks like you had - it's funny, coley and I are going to ikea tomorrow to get her stuff for her apt. this fall. You just got me excited :)
Glad you got to visit your grandmama too and see Laurel... and then to end it at the cabin, what a perfect ending - you couldn't have planned it any better :)
PS, beautiful amazing pics as always.
What a fun trip! I always TRY to be spontaneous, but it doesn't really come naturally!
I love Ikea too! Post pictures of your newly decorated office/playroom.
Love the carseat too...Britax is the best-- I will never buy anything else. Olivia LOVES hers. :) Does Nate like it too?
Great to see the boy is still in action! Thanks for sharing!
That looks like so much fun! I love spontaneous trips! Great pictures too.
How fun for you! Being spontaneous is a little scary for me. I don't know why! I am just weird I guess. I need everything to be planned out and everything to go exactly as planned or I get crazy and stressed. I am glad you enjoyed yourself.
Wow, those views are just gorgeous! Glad you guys had a fun time.
Where did you find that bag of Chocolate covered gummy bears? I only have been successful at finding them at Fuzziwigs at the mall. WHERE DID YOU FIND THAT BAG?
I might have to stop looking at your blog. You are always having a little too much fun.
Those kinds of trips are so much fun! I can relate with Nate's feelings about the long car rides- I think that Ridge officially hates his car seat after our long trip!
sounds fun. i need an ikea trip. tell nate chocolate covered gummie bears are my favorite too! are you back then? hope to see at the pool on thurs?
Wow I'm way behind at looking at blogs! Glad to hear your trip turned out great, and especially the trip to IKEA. We loved having you two for the night and you are welcome back ANY time! Mil especially misses Nate! See you in Oct. hopefully.
You sure packed in a ton of things for just being gone for a few days. Can't wait to go exploring at the cabin in Nov. if it's not to snowy and cold. Glad you had a great time.
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