Sunday, August 3, 2008

Nate's almost ONE . . .

Nate turns one on Wednesday so I thought I'd do Part One of his 12 month post since there's quite a bit to say about him. He's quite a kid ~ his personality is getting funnier and funnier every day!

A few things about my ONE year old:
  • As you can see in the photo above, he's OBSESSED with my sunglasses and will actually wear them.
  • He went from having 2 teeth to 7 teeth in the last 2 weeks! It seems like every time I look in his mouth another tooth has cut through the gums. Poor guy. He's been rubbing his mouth a lot lately and you can tell he's in pain. There's one more on top that looks like it might cut through soon and then hopefully he'll have a break from teething. Teeth and ear infections are not a good combination for anyone involved.

  • The other day I let him open the fruit drawer in the fridge and he pulled out a lemon. It's been his favorite toy ever since. He somehow ended up with 2 lemons and he crawls everywhere with them. He has one in each hand and he puts his weight on the lemons as he crawls around!

  • He is definitely trying to talk. His latest favorite word is "hot". He knows exactly what it means and will always say when something is hot whether it's the concrete, food, a candle, etc. He usually tries to blow on whatever it is that's hot. It's pretty funny. Maybe he'll be able to blow out his own birthday candles?
This video is of when he first started doing it. Now he does it on his own without any prompting.

  • Nate loves ice! Whenever I use the ice dispenser in the fridge, I hear the pitter patter of Nate crawling really fast towards the ice dispenser. He points at the fridge and says his version of ice which sounds more like "i". He L O V E S crushed ice - I think it feels good on his poor gums. He also crawls really fast towards the vacuum when I turn it on. He follows us around the entire house as we vaccuum!
  • He loves it when Wes comes home from work. He can hear the garage and then I say "who is home?" He knows it's his dad and he crawls right over to the garage door and stares at it until Wes walks in. He gets a priceless grin when he sees his dad. I love it.
Nate & Wes swimming at Grandma & Grandpa Marz's house.


Tina said...

Wow I can't believe he is turning one already. So when we see you this weekend he will be a new little one year old, can't wait to see everyone. Happy Birthday Nate.

Alisha said...

So cute! He really is as cute in person as he is pictures!

Andrus Family said...

That picture of him crawling with the lemons is priceless! He really is a funny kid - can't wait to see him again!

PS - You, Wes, and Ryan are soooo in trouble for doggin on me through e-mails and not letting me be included to defend myself! For the record, I am NOT on the nip, Millie is!

Ali said...

Who doesn't love a good lemon?

Doreen Griffeth said...

I love seeing him in action! What a boy! I can't believe he is going to be 1! Thanks for sharing his growth with us!

familyof4 said...

Nate is So adorable! That's so cute that he likes those lemons! Happy Early Birthday!

To answer your question, Yes, I have seen Wicked and LOVED it! We saw it 3 years ago in New York for our Anniversary.

I know you enjoy reading, so did you happen to read Wicked? I read part of it but thought it was a bit risque. ;<

Alyssa Griffeth said...

Man, he's CUTE! It looks like his hair is getting lighter!?! Olivia's is too! I'm thinking she may even go blonde!

Lillie said...

He's such a cool kid. I can't believe I haven't met him yet and he's a year TOMORROW!

mrs. timberlake said...

nothing witty to say, but I just revisited these pictures and I love them. Happy Birthday tomorrow, crossing fingers we get rain down here instead of there. Enjoy The Big Day!