My mom said it perfectly the other day when she said that being a grandma is so much easier than being a mom. She watches Nate for me on Tuesdays while I go in to the office and she's almost always able to drop everything she has to do for that one day a week to devote it to him. She plays with him and teaches him new things ALL day. I swear he's always smarter after he's spent a day with grandma. But she doesn't worry about cleaning her house. She doesn't worry about cooking dinner that day. She doesn't worry about errands. She focuses on NATE. She said she was rarely able to do that as a mom because there are so many other things to do . . .
That got me thinking. Do I do enough with Nate? This stay-at-home-working-mom thing is tricky sometimes. I'm finding it hard to have a good balance of a). being a mama. Spending quality time teaching, playing & loving Nate. While still being able to b). Maintain a home. Cook dinner (or at least have food ready for Wes to cook :). and c). work from home. Lately I feel like I'm always feeling guilty if I neglect a). b) or c).
That leads me to think . . . how much is enough? I am of the mindset that kiddos need a good balance of having mom to play with and teach them but also being able to play and imagine on their own. But where is the balance? I struggle with that sometimes. Like, did I pay enough attention to Nate today or did I let cleaning the kitchen take precendence? I don't really have a choice with work . . . sometimes he just has to play on his own now that he's decided he's a one short nap a day, child. But I still wonder daily if I'm doing enough as I try to fill roles of mom/wife/homemaker/employee.
I think this mindset has stemmed from Nate going from 2 great naps a day to one not so good nap. I have less time without him to get other things done and I'm struggling with finding a good balance. I'll take any tips or thoughts you want to share!