Nate? Pretty much over it. He's still got an asthma condition going on so he'll be on breathing treatments daily until May . . . but he's healthy. He's still not outside [it's freezing here, anyway] running around but he's healthy.
Ryan? Doing much better. "They say" that RSV is viral and that an antibiotic won't do anything. Well, luckily Ryan had an ear infection so I got some medicine and as soon as he started taking it we noticed a difference. Slowly, but surely, he's getting better. I can actually see his bright blue eyes again! He's still not 100% there but the nose suctioning and wiping is over.
Ryan even decided that he needed to pull his weight and do a little vacuuming around here, today.
On Tuesday, when Ryan was just starting to improve, my mom offered to let him take a nap at her house so I could get Nate out of ours. We had a tiny window to be gone [Moses had to go to the doctor] but we took it and had a great time at the Children's Museum. Nate's been begging to go to the museum for quite a while now so I'm sure we'll head back as soon as Ryan is all better.

It was still rather cold today but I let the boys outside for a few minutes. Our neighbors, the Gublers, happened to be playing outside so Nate and Travis soon began digging in Travis' backyard. They are putting in a pool so their entire backyard is dirt - heaven for two boys. Travis even got Nate up on the big tractor. Nate really looks up to Travis and thinks it's so cool that a 6 year old likes to play with him so he was stoked. I have to say that Travis is fabulous with Nate. He always makes sure he's doing okay!

Today, while Nate was at preschool, I had had enough of Ryan screaming in the car. He hates the car. So I turned his carseat around 15 days early. He still arched his back and kicked and screamed while I was putting him in the seat, but as soon as he realized he could see out the front window, he clapped and babbled all the way home.

We like being healthy, that's for sure. We're almost there. I think we can actually see our friends next week!
YAY! No breathing treatment photos!
Ryan looks sooo great~ I am sure it's probably just because his carseat is turned around :)
Glad you all are almost there! Here is to staying healthy!
sooooooooooooooooooooo glad they are feeling better, especially Sir Ryan - he looks like a totally different person than the picture before. Yay.
And seriously, since we make such ginormously tall children, we should have been able to turn their carseats around at like 6 months :)
He looks so happy.
And I love Naters with his friend - so darling.
Yeah! So glad everyone is on the mend! Put that boy to work!!!!
Thanks for sharing. You have all been in our prayers!
Best news I've heard all day! Glad you guys are headed in the right direction, and maybe by next weekend it'll be all gone. Just in time for you guys to be infected with the Andrus Virus - ha ha, I'm so not funny!
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