Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ryan’s surgery

Mr. Ryan is was tongue tied.

We checked in to the hospital this morning at 6am for Ryan’s surgery to have his tongue clipped.

ryan in hospital gown (1 of 1)

Wes noticed that Ryan’s tongue looked really connected at the top a month or two ago. We did some research and an ENT doc recommended that we have it clipped at some point.   The option was there to wait to see if it affected his speech but we didn’t want to always wonder if his tongue was holding him back.  He couldn’t even stick it out, for heaven sakes.  So, we went for it.

We got to the hospital at 6am and they got us right in to a room where they checked his vitals and put his little hospital gown on him.  At 6:30 all of the pre-op was done and we got to sit and wait until 7:30am for the actual procedure.  I refused to let Ryan crawl on the hospital floor so Wes and I took turns walking in circles around the pre-surgery unit.  There were lots of kids there this morning with fabulous nurses helping us keep them entertained. 

ryan in hospital wagon (1 of 1)

7:30 finally rolls around and we met with the doc and anesthesiologist and off we went walking down the halls to the surgery room.  They wouldn’t let us even near the room so we handed Ryan off to a nurse and sat in the waiting room [and talked to family friends Jeff & Susie Bradshaw] while Ryan had surgery.  Ryan didn’t show an ounce of concern until the hand-off.  He knew something wasn’t right at that point.

The tongue-clipping went well and they came and got us out of the waiting room.  Ryan was already awake by the time we got back there and a fabulous nurse was holding him nice and close to her keeping him calm.  He burst in to tears as soon as he saw Wes and I.  I was shocked at how quickly the anesthesia wore off and he was back to his normal self.  He was hungry and thirsty and downed a full apple juice box [a surgery treat] and then another entire cup of apple juice our cute nurse got for him.  He ate rice cakes [a favorite of his] and immediately passed all of the “discharge from the hospital” tests which included eating and drinking.

I’m sooooo glad we did it at this age.  Ryan wasn’t scared at all of the hospital and doctors – in fact, he thought it was kinda fun to be somewhere new with new faces.  We definitely had it the easiest out of all of the kids there today simply because of Ryan’s age. 

The doc said it will probably take a few weeks for his brain to tell his tongue that it can now stick out but he’s already testing his new freedom.

Ryan, you were a trooper today bud!  Many thanks for the phone calls and text messages checking in on our little monkey.

[I have to say I was very impressed today with the hospital.  We had 3 nurses and they were all fabulous.  The doc was fabulous.  And the anesthesiologist was fabulous.  All around, a positive experience!]

The hardest part about the day was that I slept for one hour last night.  I set my alarm to wake up at 1am to give Ryan a bottle [it was the last possible moment he could eat or drink] and never fell back asleep.  Lets just say I’m a walking zombie and can’t wait for Nate to go to bed at 6:45pm because I am going to bed, too.


Sammy said...

that picture of ryan looks just like your baby pictures.

mrs. timberlake said...

GREAT UPDATE! I am so glad you had such a positive experience.

Alyssa Griffeth said...

Poor little guy! SOO glad to hear that he's doing well.

We just found out that Maddie will very likely have to have tubes put in her ears, and I'm dreading the whole hospital thing with a 7 month old. But it's nice to know that doing it at a young age is better!

Alisha said...

Glad all went well!

Ali said...

Ummm, I guess I would have called or texted if someone had told me. Unlike all the other nice people who called and texted to check in on Ryan who knew about him being in the hospital.

But I can't really be mad as I am the queen of not handing out proper information to anyone. So I'm just glad he is alright and everything went well and he isn't reminding you every other day about how the nurses rolled him away from you alone like Abbie does.

He looks cute in a dress...

laurel said...

Way to go Ryan!

Laurel said...

oh wow. I had no idea. I'm glad everything went well and that the hospital and nurses gave you guys such great service. It made me think... Justin doesn't stick his tongue out...I'm going to be checking his tongue tomorrow!

Doreen Griffeth said...

So glad that everything went so well!!! You will be glad that you did it now! Raising kids is an absolute challenge, but look what great parents they make!!!! You and Wes are SUPER!

The Skeehan Family said...

Seeing him in his little wagon in the middle of the hospital just makes my heart hurt. I'm am SOOOOOO grateful it went so wonderfully, though. Good good job mama.