Ryan turns 6 months old this week which is absolutely crazy to me. I no longer have a little baby content to stare at the world. This kid is ready to play. Overall, he's got a great demeanor about him. That is - as long as we meet a few requirements of his. A few of which are that he has to feel like he's a part of whatever is going on, he wants people surrounding him always, and if he's being held he would prefer you to be standing up. This month he wanted to be held much more than usual.
This little boy changed alot just in the last few weeks. Here's a bit of what he's been up to:
. We are in the middle of sleep training part 1: learning to sleep without being swaddled. We slowly got him out of the big wrap - one limb at at time. He has a good nap here and there but he's mostly still struggling. But then again, sleeping is not his forte. It's like we're back at square one with him re-learning how to fall asleep on his own.
. Because he isn't swaddled anymore - he's ALL OVER his crib. He rolls around constantly.
. I love a baby in jammies. Because it's so dang hot - I've been swaddling him naked. So I'm loving having him in jammies.
. He prefers to sleep on his side or on his tummy.
. He's been spotted on all fours.
. He rarely lays on his back. He immediately flips himself right over to his belly and then reaches as far as he possibly can to get to the nearest toy. He somehow moves that body of his around pretty well.
. Speaking of toys - he gets really mad if you take one away. But stops crying immediately if you give him a new one.
. Loves it when we play games or sing songs to him. He's got a great giggle.
. He can sit up on his own pretty well. Still topples over occasionally but can sit for quite a while. I love this stage!
. There isn't a food this kid doesn't like.
. Everything he touches goes in to his mouth.
. As soon as he sees a bottle full of milk - his arms go out and he will do just about anything to get it in to his mouth. He's getting pretty good at holding his own bottle. Nate never did that!
. I thought he was going to be my laid back, relaxed child. Which I still see glimpses of but this kid is ready to go.
. This kid gives me the biggest smile every time he sees me. I love it.
. He's starting to really like his big brother.
. He loves being outside and has recently taken a real liking to going on walks.
. He hates getting dressed.
. He's got some seriously chubby thighs.
. He eats his toes alot.
. He sucks his right thumb. We're working on that.
We love you, Ryan & we're so glad you're in our family.