My little man is 4 months old.
He's got quite the personality these days. If someone is giving him any kind of attention - he's all smiles. He makes all kinds of noises . . . he's busy trying to figure out all of the many things this little {or not so little} body of his can do.

A little bit about RYAN:
. He's acting like he's teething already. He's got a constant stream of drool coming out of his mouth. He wants to gnaw on anything and everything he can get in his mouth. And his nose has got a drip of clear snot.
. He reaches for everything. He is Mr. Curious - wanting to put everything he can get his hands on in his mouth. He's apparently ready for some Nielsens custard.
. He likes the pool.
. He loves being outside. We're often roaming the neighborhood at night with this little guy.
. He's still a chunk.
. He loves to lay on the floor outside of the shower when someone is showering. He spins around on the floor and eventually starts kicking the cabinet. He thinks it's hilarious and rarely gets fussy!
. He still spits up a lot.
. He is a binky boy. But now he is constantly taking it out of his mouth.
. He loves to grab his toes. Half the time he rolls on to his side.
. He went on his first airplane ride.
. He's got quite the smile but he'll also give you a mean scowl.
. He's not a great sleeper but I guess it could be worse.
. He went on the carousel for the first time.
We love having this little boy in our family. He's got such a fun personality that is developing so quickly. I feel like we've hit the stage where he just grows up so fast - constantly doing new things!
what a cutie! so, so handsome.
and i can't believe he's 4 months already! gosh, time flies.
so fun! cab't wait to meet him. JR has the same pack of onesies as him...the brown "daddy's all star." can't wait to meet him next month
I LOVE this boy and I LOVE these pictures!
Thanks for keeping me in pictures!
He is SOOOOOO cute!
what a darling little guy. I love all his facial expressions! I'm sure he just cracks you guys up everyday. =)
It was so fun getting to see Ryan a couple of weeks ago. I wish we were around to see more of him. He is such a cute boy.
he is one of the cutest babies ever. you are taking some great shots of him too, lindsay! mia was a terrible sleeper too, but she was the best toddler, and she is the best little girl! maybe the worst sleepers get all their worsts out early :).
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