part [one]: the lake
I love being out on the lake.
We jet skiied. We knee-boarded. We wakeboarded. We tubed. We hung out on the boat. We swam in the lake.
It was FUN. The lakes out in Alabama are beautiful & green - such a change of scenery for those of us who come from the desert. And the lake is the absolute perfect temperature. We spent a full week in the water.
a little {tubing}

some {kneeboarding}

some jetskiing.

some fun on the {boat and in the water}
Thanks to two wonderful grandparents who stayed back with the babies a number of times - we got to enjoy some fun times out on the water. A few things to remember:
- Nate was super excited to get out on the tube for the first time on Monday. And then Spencer flipped him off the tube (not on purpose) and Wes landed on him which kind of ended his excitement until we got him back on the tube on Thursday. He managed to stay on the tube this time (there was a moment when I thought he was flipping off again!) and he was over his fear.
- Wes wins the award for best crash on the kneeboard. I wasn't there to witness it but apparently the front of the board caught the water and he slammed face first. Ouch.
- All of the kids enjoyed being out on the boat and jet skis. They were in heaven.
A special thanks to all of the east coast Griffeths for buying all of the fun water toys and letting us come use them! This was our first year out on the lake with a boat . . . thanks Spencer & Leigh. It made it really fun for all of us to be together!
This is what happens when every day is non-stop fun. Lots of yawning from a 2 year old.
This is what happens when every day is non-stop fun. Lots of yawning from a 2 year old.
Great pictures and great post. I've gotta do the same thing! It was so much fun. My kiddos are ready for next year all ready! Can't wait for part 2!
I loved the update!! We've been anxiously awaiting pictures (you know...So we can pretend we were there...) :) We're already excited for next year!
what a great tradition. that lake looks like it could be from a movie. looks like an awesome place!
Loved the entire week!
Where did the time go????
Thanks for being such good sports!
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