We spent Memorial weekend at the cabin with my parents and a little bit of Sam. Here's a little bit about this trip:
cabin car rides
. nate loves the 4 wheelers and the mule. wes or my dad always take him on a trail to see the horses. this time he got to ride on a horse and feed one. he loved it.
fishing boat on panguitch lake

. we met up with our good friends, the Earls, and went out on a boat on Panguitch lake to do some fishing. This time Gerry caught one! The Marz/Griffeths have yet to have any luck on this lake when we're together. Maybe over 4th of July.
Duck Creek Days dance festival - a Memorial Weekend Tradition
. down at Duck Creek village they always have a dancing party over Memorial Day weekend. Nate went right up on stage and started dancing with grandma. Then he eyed a group of girls and they were nice enough to invite them in to their dancing circle. He was quite the ladies man.
a bunch of single folks joined us.

Sam spent the weekend in Panguitch with some of her friends and they all came to our cabin in Duck Creek on Sunday to spend the afternoon and have dinner. I have to say that these friends were hilarious and we enjoyed their company. For the sake of remembering a few laughs, "how y'all doing?" said Melissa.
It was a FUN weekend. Entertaining Nate is a piece of cake up there. He absolutely loves the simplest things: taking a walk to look for deer, cabin cars, the rope swing, kicking snow & playing games inside. We enjoyed the outdoors for a weekend and can't wait to go back. Nate especially loved being with grandma and grandpa Marz. He drove up and back with them and loved it. After they dropped him off on Monday night and they walked out the door - he hysterically started crying asking for one last hug from grandma and papa.
a few things that Nate said along the way that were worth recording:
. As he was driving to the cabin with my parent's - he out-of-the-blue let them know that he wasn't planning on pooping at the cabin.
. When he got to the cabin, he walked around in his usual strut, turned to my mom and said, "grandma - who decorated this place?"
. after fishing with my dad in the pond, he came back in the cabin and said, "dama (grandma) - grandpa's not a very good fisherman."
. As we were driving to Panguitch, we saw 3 antelope on the side of the rode. The rest of the weekend he kept asking to see more "cantaloupe."
. at church Wes tried to explain that there wasn't a nursery at that church for him to play at. He turned to Wes and said, "They will open nursery for me."
um, i will not be telling addison and mackenzie about nate's john deeres. they wanted those so badly last year... i couldn't see me buying (2) pairs of them. :(
oye. i might have to pull the trigger this year. they are the best lookin boots out there for little lambs!
you hair = fabulous!
How y'all doing? I'm glad you guys were able to put up with us for a day. Hey nate... why don't you go kick the snow again.
How fun!!
Your boys are adorable :)
It rained all day on our Memorial Day - BOOOO!
I haven't checked your blog in about a week...love all of the posts! We can't wait to see the boys and Wes and Lindsay...the count down has officially begun at the Thornton house.
I love the simple things in life that make kids happy! And can I just say that last picture of Ryan is PRECIOUS!!
Too fun! Can't wait for some Nate phrases of our own!
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