I had an enjoyable birthday! Although I have to say that Sunday birthdays are a little non-eventful. I did manage to take an afternoon nap and Wes grilled up some yummy burgers to celebrate.
Sam's birthday was last week so on Thursday night we had a little swim birthday party with some Metro Pizza and a Jamoca Almond Fudge icecream cake with my family to celebrate. I've always loved having my birthday so close to Sam's - there's always someone up for celebrating!
Nate was funny this morning - Wes told him it was my birthday today and he looked at us with a confused grin and said . . . "no, you already had your birthday with aunt sam!". I guess he's not up for multiple birthday celebrations.
Thank you for all of the phone calls, text messages, facebook messages and fun packages in the mail. I appreciate it. I do have to ask about a present I received with no card. It was from a company in Lehi, Utah and it's an adorable pack of stationery but I don't know who it is from!
And a big thank you to Wes for painting my office for me for my birthday - I love it!
Happy B-day my friend! Caramel races and handstand contests will always come to mind. :)
I guess I end up in the category with Nate...since we celebrated on Thursday I totally forgot. And I even saw you yesterday. Maybe I should ask them to announce those things in RS so I don't forget!
Happy Birthday!!!!! So glad you had a great day--celebration week!
Well Happy Birthday to you! That is fun you and Sam can celebrate together - that's what my mom and I do.
And I loved the post about Ryan at 4 months - it seems like he's getting such a personality now!
Happy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Linds!! You are looking great too by the way:)
i'm SO glad you had a fun birthday!!! and if i wasn't en route from san fran most of the day i would have called you too!!! enjoy your last year of your 20s! but you're right...30s are great too :)
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