They were great hosts! It was fun to get the kids out to play and I really enjoyed just being able to chat with Mimi. I didn't haul my big camera down there and you can definitely tell by the looks of these photos so I'm hoping to post a few better ones eventually off of Mimi's camera.
We . . .
Went to the Children's Museum. What an awesome place. I soooo wish we had one like that here. Nate was in heaven until he had a little {okay, major} meltdown.
The kids played in the fountains at Desert Ridge . . .
And we spent a lot of time in Mimi's backyard. She turned the place in to a little water park for the kids and Nate loved it!
Mimi even had a ton of the "old-school" popsicles that were so yummy on a hot summer afternoon.
Nate not only got to play with Claire but he got to play with Claire's cousins, Addison & Mackenzie, too. Mimi has a fabulous family and I love seeing all of the Merrill's when I'm there.
While Nate loved playing with his long lost human friends, his favorite new friend was Claire's dog, Tahoe. Although Nate quickly named him Taco and asked for the dog THE ENTIRE time we were there. He'd wake up from a nap saying Taco. He wouldn't eat without Taco in sight. It was pretty cute to see him so in love with this dog. Once again, good thing the neighbor's have dogs for him to play with.
Even though Claire hasn't hit the tantrum or mean phase yet they played pretty well together. I think Claire wins the "happiest baby of the year" award - I think she only cried briefly twice while we were there. But Nate gave us a few pretty good tantrums to make up for it. I think they both liked having an around-the-clock buddy for a few days.
On Wednesday, Mimi hired her little sis Nicole to come sit at her house while the kiddos slept so mimi and I could get out for some girl-time without the kiddos. It was great! We ran a few errands for Mimi and then grabbed lunch and got pedicures. It was a fabulous afternoon!
It was great to see you guys. Thanks for letting us come and hang out with you!
{Just to document the airplane adventure we had. Both flights were completely full so Nate sat on my lap and it was interesting to say the least. The poor people around us and in front of us! We survived the flights but on the way back our bags didn't make it so luckily Sam came to our rescue and picked us up from the airport with a car seat since Nate's didn't make our flight! Nate and I made another trip back to the airport at 7pm that night to get our stuff.}
OH, and Jacksons & Binghams- sorry I didn't see you guys this trip! I'll drive next time and make the rounds in the Phoenix area to see you all!
Looks like a lot of fun! Flying with a baby is always an adventure!
Sounds like a fun when are you all getting a dog???
Aw, girl time is always much needed! Glad you had a good time!
Oooh...I need to remember that trick of putting our slide into our baby pool this summer. Olivia would LOVE that!
Looks like a fun week, but it's always nice to get back to reality and get organized once again! Glad you had a fun week!
I'm glad you had fun. A visit at the Skeehan's house is always a party!
Oh I sooooooo enjoyed you being there. And you'd be proud, the blog is updated and I've looked at all your past posts and am in love with so many things. Big time in love with Nate's professional pictures. His eyes are STAGGERING. I mean wow.
And even though I get to talk to you, I really do love reading your blogs, they make me smile everytime I read them because it's like you are just talking and we are having a nice little conversation. I love it.
Thanks for being so dilligent. Ahhhh Obi-One, I have much to learn :)
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