I've always loved Mothers Day {and fathers day}. Parents do alot and it's nice to celebrate that. I had a great day. Other than the few hours this afternoon that Nate had a complete meltdown, today was fabulous. Wes did all of the work around here and we had a nice day together.
I'm so grateful that I get to be a mom. There are a lot of people out there who want to be a mom but for one reason or another, can't. Nate is my little miracle and I remember daily how lucky I am to be his mama. And speaking of moms - Wes and I lucked out with great moms of our own! Happy Mothers Day!
Wes is flying out at 6:30am tomorrow for the week. Luckily, I have a fabulous friend - Mimi - who offered for Nate and I to come spend the week with she and Claire. So, we're going to the airport tomorrow, too to go to Phoenix to hang out with these wonderful people. That's the beauty of working from home. It doesn't matter whose home I'm in - I can still work! :)

Have a great week. I sure will!
Lucky duck! I wish I could be there with you guys.
Nate is lucky to have you for a mom! Have a great week!
ewwww. can we get a better picture while you are here?
can't wait to see little nate in a couple hours. (and you)
Nate is one cutie pie of a little boy! p.s. Our Moms saw and chatted with each other up in SLC. My Mom says she thinks your mother is one classy lady...I do agree. And, I told my mom she has an awesome and classy daughter too. :)
Lucky girl I love Arizona. Nate's new pictures are so cute. I can't believe he is almost 2!
Love your blonde blonde hair! And that DARling header.
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