Nate and I spent the entire day together today. Just the two of us. And it was a great day. And the best part? Wes got home at 5pm from his traveling this week so we got to spend part of the evening with him. We even sat down as a family and ate dinner which is a rarity these days with Wes' schedule.
I've been experiencing the terrible two's lately so today was refreshing. It was tantrum free - tear free - complaint free. And he used his manners all day saying please and thank you. Seriously! We laughed all day long and Nate gave A LOT of big hugs to his mama. He even played on his own for a little bit. While I love it when he does that, I love it even more when he comes and grabs my hand & says "mama - come" and pulls me over to his toys.
Days like today are much needed for every mom. A day free of chaos & tantrums where you can just sit and play with your kiddo. The added bonus was that he was so incredibly well behaved. I'm still in shock. After his behavior lately - I didn't know he had it in him!
I sure do love my little Naters.
thats good cause i still have golden grahms up and down my stairs from him. I love him too though even though I am not sure he loves his aunt tam
Ahhhh, it's so good to know Claire rubbed off on him while he was here ;)
Seriously, sounds like a picture perfect day. Yay!
I know I always say this, but Nate has LOTS that he needs to teach Olivia in their short week together. :) But who knows...Maybe when she's 3 weeks older, she'll learn to have a tantrum-free day too! I think we're at tantrum #6 right now, and it's only 2:00. Oh boy! (Thankfully she's mastered the "Please and Thank you's" or else I might lose it!!)
Sounds like the perfect day! Why do our kiddos always flop? When Nate sleeps good, Hadley sleeps bad.
When Nate gives you great, tear free days, Hadley is spending her day in time out, screaming!
What a cute little face! Remember the good days to draw on when a bad one comes along!
Can't wait to see him in person!
Good days are always a good thing...definitely worth noting!
That picture of him is a classic!!
It is true. . one good day makes up for several not so good days!!
Have I ever told you that Nate is the CUTEST! I love his cheeseball smile in this picture. You do the cutest stuff to your pics of him.
It is so nice when your child forgets to be a stinker! Those times are so few and far between during the terrible twos. It gets better!
He seriously is so stinkin' cute! And holy cow- your new top picture is the best ever! One- he is adorable! two- you have the nicest camera ever! To catch that much detail is just priceless. His little eyes are amazing. I can't belive he is already creeping up on 2 years old!!
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