Even though we've known today would come - it doesn' make it any easier. My mom's dear friend, Babs Beatty passed away today after a long battle with cancer. She was diagnosed with breast cancer about 10 years ago. It was Stage 4 (I believe) and the odds were not in her favor but with a stem cell transplant procedure she was able to live another 10 years in remission. It was only recently that they discovered the cancer was not only back, but it was everywhere.
My mom and Babs have been friends since junior high school. They did not have just an ordinary friendship. They had a friendship that not everyone gets to experience. It involved a lot of love, loyalty, kindness, laughter. All of this and more for 50+ years. I have many fond memories of Babs & Steve and their three daughters. We spent a lot of time in their home in Utah growing up and we also went on a few vacations with them. Babs is such a wonderful lady. She's an amazing and talented artist, a great mom/grandma/friend & will be greatly missed. I am grateful that I have had such a wonderful example of friendship in my life.
It's hard to believe that she isn't with us anymore. It's got to be a unique experience to know you are going to pass away. She wanted to have a party which she called - "ta-ta-for-now" - before she passed away. Her party was three days ago. I'm so glad she was able to do that. My mom also was able to spend a lot of time in Utah with Babs in the last few months. I know my mom will cherish those memories.
My heart aches for Steve, their three daughters Kim, Steph & Megan, her grandkids, my mom and everyone else who had the privilege of knowing Babs. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Babs will be greatly missed. I'm so glad the saying "ta-ta-for-now" is true and that we will all get to see Babs again someday.
i liked this post.
one of my nieces has a t.shirt that simply says "cancer sucks" -
i think for a teenager it just about sums it up. she has lost her best friend's brother and her mom's best friend to this ugly disease.
whenever death comes knocking in your inner circle, it's a time to pause and take inventory of where you are, where you are headed and where you need to be. it's angels like babs that can teach us in a way no sunday school lesson or super enrichment day ever could.
bottom line, this is a good post, a good reminder, and a nice tribute to someone who is so special to your mom.
What a great tribute to a friend! My thoughts are with all of you.
Oh what a beautiful post. Thank goodness we know the "for now" part. Or it would all just be too painful. This sure choked me up, Linds. I sure hope her family's ok.
This made me teary-eyed. Life is short and priceless.
I'm so sorry for your loss and all her family. I love the "ta ta for now" party. She sounds like an amazing lady!
I remember your mom talking quite a bit about her. She's in my thoughts.
Lindz - I am so sorry that Babs passed away. You spoke so kindly of her while you were here and I know how much she must have meant to your entire family. I really like the "ta ta for now," knowing that everything really is only temporary.
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