Our summer Saturdays have begun. I really try to make the summers "project free" on the weekends so we can enjoy Grandma & Grandpa's pool or a quick weekend get-a-way!
Saturday was great. After Wes got back from painting Sam's master bedroom, we headed to my nephew Kyle's soccer game. He's quite the little soccer player. Good game, bud!
We picked up yummy sandwiches and headed to my parents for the rest of the day. They are back at the cabin so we had the whole place to ourselves! Sam and her roomie Cassie had the same idea to go swimming so they ended up hanging out with us over there for an hour or two. Nate is a little fish . . . he L O V E S the water. He stayed in for a long time and never wanted to get out. That's my boy.

Nate with Aunt Sam. I promise she has a swimsuit on. Nate's covering her strap.
Then we had our good friends Anya, Sam, Noah & Ikey Earl over for a BBQ and more swimming. It was great to see them. I love their little boys. They are H I L A R I O U S. It gives me a sneek peek of Nate in a few years. (Sorry. No fun pictures of the kiddos. Next time, for sure).
I love summer. I love swimming & being outside and I'm excited for summer to begin!

It is fun to see him enjoy the water so much! We have loved the lake and look forward to having you guys come and enjoy it with us!
Thanks for the pictures!
What a cutie! We can't wait to see you all next month! We love Saturdays around here as well.
He was so tired out and cute yesterday- it was fun to see you guys... definitely a new activity in the routine.
Looks like he is loving the pool! How cute is that! I'm sure you'll be spending most of your summer there, like we will!
How fun!!! I want Summer Saturdays too!! Pools make the summer bearable. I am very excited to not have garden/cabinet/kitchen/painting/whatever projects to do over the summer so that we can actually enjoy the summer, you know?
Love the pics.
Great pictures and a great Idea to have Saturdays totally off limits for your things to do list. I'm so sad because they made a new rule for our pool. No babies under 3 and not potty trained. So I have to find some other way to get Zeke into the water.
Whatever...we all know Sam is skinny dipping in the pool while she thinks everyone is away.
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