There’s so much to write about our fabulous vacation. Lots of photos!


Nate L O V E S the beach. I thought he would but I never anticipated this level of enjoyment. I was a little interested to see if he’d do anything but eat the sand but after the first day he never ate the sand again! He only ate the shells, seaweed & rocks in the sand. He played for hours outside in the sand and also loved being down at the water. He played in the ocean A LOT. He didn’t even mind the frigid water. Even while shivering he wanted more.

He was standing a lot on this trip. It was even easier with his feet buried in the sand!
The first day we were down there I had him down at the water. I let him play in the sand and then when a wave came, I picked him up so he could just splash in it. Wes came down to see what we were up to and we had a little misunderstanding as to who was going to pick him up when the wave came. Neither one of us did and the wave engulfed the poor little dude. It went over his head and knocked him back quite a few feet. My mom was appalled at our parenting skills but he survived and wasn’t even scared of the water. In fact, as we were walking back to the beach house with Nate a guy turned to me and said, “I did that with all five of mine.” Glad to know Nate’s tough.

Nate was such a good kid on our vacation. He rarely cried or whined. He loved being in a new place with never-ending sand and water. He loved having his cousins, aunts/uncle & grandma/grandpa around. For some reason Abbie was scared to death of Nate and ran from him whenever he came near, but Daisy seemed to really like having him around. He frequently visited her while she was eating.

We stayed at a beach house right on the beach in Newport. It was perfect for our family with a 6 month old, a 10 month old, a 2 year old, and a 10 year old. You can imagine the different schedules we had going on! It made it so that while the kids were sleeping we could still enjoy the sand and sun. The back patio was probably my favorite part of the house. We sat out there A LOT just enjoying everything. The next best thing was that everyone had their own room . . . even the babies! That made it so Ali and I actually got some sleep at night without the kids in our room. They even had a great playroom full of toys for Abbie and Nate.

Nate eating his dinner on the beach

hanging out on the patio
I love swimming in the ocean. I can’t go to the beach without jumping through waves. This year the water was exceptionally cold and the waves were quite large but it didn’t stop us from going in. Wes and I went in quite a bit. Cassie (Sam’s roommate) joined us in the ocean once she arrived on Thursday. And by Friday we got Sam, Tripp & my dad to come in the waves with us. I have to say that the waves were a little bigger than I prefer but it was still a blast being tossed around.

Abbie & Kyle loved the water, too. It took Abbie a little bit to want to play in the water but by the end she was loving it, too. Kyle spent almost an entire day in the water!


My family LOVES Disneyland so we couldn’t be that close and not go to the happiest place on earth. Wes had to work a little bit while we were down there so we decided to have him miss Disneyland so he could be around more at the beach. I have to say that Disneyland is always fun but it’s a little different with all of the little kiddos! Thanks mom, dad & Sam for being my fill-in husband for the day and helping me with Nate. I definitely couldn’t have done that without you. Nate loved Disneyland and was such a trooper. I had a feeling he wouldn’t sleep while we were there and he sure didn’t! He dozed for about 20 minutes in the morning but that was it. The look on his face on our first ride (Winnie the Pooh) was priceless. He was just in awe at everything. He was happy all day . . . enjoying the magic of Disneyland, the people everywhere & yummy food. The only downfall of the day was how hot it was! I think I lost 5 pounds just in sweat! Luckily it cooled off that evening.

Wes met us all at Downtown Disney for dinner and then he took Nate home & my parent’s took Daisy home so the rest of us could enjoy the evening without the babies. Sam, Kyle & I went on all the “big” rides while Ali & Tripp enjoyed a night with Abbie. It was great! I love that place and can’t wait to take Nate back when he’s a little older and knows who the characters are.

Nate crawling through a watermelon at Goofy's Playhouse

Nate loved playing this piano at Goofy's House.

The entire trip was relaxing and fun. I love being able to ride your bike so easily! Sam, Wes & I had some fun bike rides together. It made me wish I lived in a town that was bike friendly.
I had a good mix of being able to play with Nate when he was awake but he took some great naps because he played so hard so Wes and I had time to enjoy the sun and some time to relax. Here are some photos of all of us just having fun.

Abbie loves her papa.

We let Nate try a Sour Patch Kid.

The Thompson kiddos playing on the porch

Sam & I doing one of our absolutely favorite things: laying on the beach!

Wes entertaining the kiddos. :)
Even though my entire family lives in Las Vegas, I feel like I don’t see them that often & nothing compares to the memories we have on our annual family vacations. It’s great to spend that much time with everyone having fun! Thanks mom and dad for another great one!
How fun! Looks like you all had fun. JEALOUS. We are needing a vacation like this BAD.
You are looking fabulous. Does not look like you had a baby one year ago.
Thanks for being our resident photographer. I knew my photos sucked rocks but after seeing yours, mine are worse than I thought. Can't wait to get the disc...and maybe someday a new camera! Love you~
Great times and great memories...thanks for sharing your vacation with us. It definitely makes me look forward to our week at the lake even more!
where to begin with the comments?
1- the sour patch kids picture is an all time fav.
2- love your plaid shorts
3- love the orange and white suit even more
4- sounds like a PERFECT vacation, and to think, you have like 3 more just around the corner....
... green with envy!
What a FUN trip! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Newport too!
I hear you on the Disneyland thing...It is pretty TOUGH and exhausting with babies. :-)
I NEED to know where you got your cute tankinis! I'm always looking for long ones and I LOVE yours!
Lindsay, you are so tan! Your family vacation looks like it was so much fun! It makes me want to get in the car right now and drive to the beach!!
I'm completely and utterly salavating. Rhose pictures are AmAZING. Especially that first one of nate - just beautiful!!! And HELLO, right on the beach?? WOW! I know you said that, but to see it in pictures - how perfect!!!! And, there was a pic where it was your legs by nate and I'm like, dang that girl has beautiful legs. You look lovely, especially in the Shade suit!! One. Hot. MAMA.
And I'm laughing that Wes didn't join you in Disneyland... figures!!!
I'd love to hear more about it, once you are back in your routine, give me a call.
I'm glad you guys are back. It looks like you had a ton of fun!! I want a fun vacation like that!
Your pictures are so great and it looks like my kind of vacation! I only wish that I could go on a vacation like that! And Nate is getting SO big! What a good looking little fellow!
I love that picture of Nate trying to pull the silly hat off your mom's head. He's so adorable. I am glad you guys had such a fun time!
Also, I have to second the above comments - you look great!
Amen to all the comments. Where did you get your suits? LOVE the orange and white one. You are a hottie. Glad he liked the beach- that is a bonus. Wish we were there, now! =)
Awesome pictures!!! Love your swimsuits, seriously, where did you get them? Nate's such a cutie. And I am loving that hat of your nieces.
So I came here to comment on how cute and tan you look, how fabulous your swim suits are, how jealous I am of your trip, but it looks like I wouldn't be the first! Just shows how true it all is! Nate also looks adorable! I LOVE tan babies!
Isn't life grand!! What a fun family vacation!!
I agree with everyone also....you look GREAT!! I wish I had your long legs!haha
Such great pics! It seemed like a great vacation. You look smokin' hot BTW. Your swim suits are adorable.
How fun!! It makes me want to jump in the car right now and drive down there!! Ditto to all the comments about your swimsuits! Hottie! =)BTW Where did you get them?
I was seriously laughing out loud about your story of Nate being washed away in the wave - I can totally see me and Ryan doing that! Can I join the Marz fam so I can go on fun vacations like that?! Cute pics!
looks like fun. you guys are party animals i think i want to switch lives with you for a while.
So I'm reading through this post thinking lots of things... like SUCH great pictures, and what a cute cute polka-dot swim suit, I'll have to ask her where she got that, it must be one of the Mormon websites since it's so long... I did just order one I'm super excited about, but maybe I need two... and then I get to the last picture and you're wearing the one I just ordered. SO cute. So if we ever finally see eachother this summer, I just might have BOTH of your cute swim suits. Hope you don't mind. You look SO Great. Those LEGS. They're AMAZING!
Can't wait to get you all here! LOVE the pictures!
Looks like way too much fun. It's so great that you guys have such a great time with each other and you can do the family trip thing. Love love love all the pictures.
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