{Side note: It is getting very difficult to take pictures of him with the "month old" cards!}
Every month, he gets more and more fun. I love watching his personality develop. He’s quite the character. Here’s what he’s been up to . . . .
The most important new development is he’s sleeping through the night! It only took him 9.5 months but he figured it out. He’s been a TERRIBLE sleeper at night since birth so this is a huge accomplishment. Up until a few weeks ago he was still up 2-4 times a night. He started sleeping through the night on his own which made it easy for me to not go in at all in the middle of the night if/when he does wake up. He has learned that crying doesn’t get me in there anymore! It’s amazing what a few nights of consistent sleep will do for a mom. I feel like a new person.
{I love sleeping babies}

He’s so funny when you go in to his room after he wakes up from sleeping. As soon as he hears the door creak open, he jerks his head and just smiles. Then he crawls as fast as he can and stands up to say hi.
He doesn’t like the car anymore and really isn’t a fan of being in his stroller either. This will make our drive to Newport Beach and day at Disneyland interesting! However, he does love being in a shopping cart so I can at least still roam Target without any complaints.
His newest favorite foods are yogurt, string cheese, golden spoon, strawberries, nectarines & pickles!
{Dad was nice enough to share his golden spoon.}

He’s trying to do headstands. I often find him with his head on the floor, one leg in the air . . .like he’s trying to stand on his head! I’m trying to get a picture of this one.
He sticks out his pointer finger and points at what he wants. It’s actually kinda helpful . . . but we’re definitely playing the guessing game a lot! He also started reaching for people he wants. I love that he’s not really a mama’s boy. He loves going to anyone and everyone that will hold him & talk to him. But I’ll admit it’s fun to see his face light up when he sees me or Wes.
He loves cords. He finds every cord in our home and wants to eat it. We’re working on teaching him that cords are not toys!
He’s my little fish. He loves the shower, the bath, sprinklers, fountains and the pool. I love it.
He’s soooo ticklish! We can get a great belly laugh out of him when we tickle him. I love it. I’m working on a video of this for you, Grandma G.
He has picked up some speed as a crawler. He’s pretty quick now. And today, he successfully climbed our entire stair case . . . with Wes behind him, of course! He's in to EVERYTHING. And I mean, everything.

He finds it funny to hurt people. Granted, he doesn’t know he’s hurting anyone but he loves to pull hair, grab skin & head-butt you so hard that I don’t know how he’s not screaming in pain. He just laughs.

We had to go to Bass Pro Shop yesterday so Nate got to pretend to ride another 4 wheeler. He loved the big acquarium. He kept reaching for the fishies.
Hard to believe that he is already 10 months. We can't wait to see you all next month!
We are bringing our backpack to Newport...maybe Nate will enjoy riding in it at Disneyland, pulling his father's hair.
10 Months already! They grow up too fast. The one year mark is a big one. They are so much fun! He looks a lot like Wes. The 4-wheelers are always a big hit, even with my boys too.
Okay, I've been gone only a month and already he looks so old to me. I seriously can't believe it! I just can't believe he's almost a year...time for #2!! Ha ha!
They grow way to fast, he sure is cute little guy and sounds like tons of fun!
What a handsome little tyke! You dress him so cute. Thanks for not hating me regarding the month cards ;)
It's so fun to see him grow! He is so cute and I just love the pics! Nothing is better than a sleeping baby (surely after 9.5mos!)!! Way to go MOM!! My fav picture is the pantry!haha....Boy do I remember those days! And last but not least...PICKLES?! Now that's amamzing and so funny!
Thanks for the birthday update! I live for these pictures of this little boy and his life! We can't wait to see all of you in just a few short weeks!
I LOVE THE POST!!! Those pictures are FABULOUS! My favorite has to be, though, his cute little body in the pantry getting food... how adorable. And the one of him on the four wheeler - it seriously looks like he could just turn it on, rev it and pop it into gear and be one his way! And it makes my day too when I go into get Claire up from a nap and she gets SO excited, bouncing around, just thrilled you've come in...
You have such a handsome handsome little man. I love it.
10 months! I can't believe it and he is just soooo adorable. I love his hair and seeing him standing is so cute. You are a wonderful mother and I appreciate the great advice you've given us.
He really is so dang cute Lindsay. You are going to love these next months!
hes really cute! I love the faux hawk!
That mohawk. He's SOOO handsome Linds. And the whole betrothing idea might have some potential since your and Wes' height combined, might match mine and Ross'. Perhaps Nate will actually be taller than my girls! Can I claim him??!
Pickles? I'm not even sure Sophia's tried pickles. What a great one. I can't believe he's already 10 months. I have GOT to see this kid. Everything calms down for us at the end of next week until Sarah's wedding July 26... any desert trips planned??
He's so CUTE!!!
He is so darn cute. I hope we can come down in August when Allan get baptized so we can see everyone
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