Monday, June 2, 2008

Mr. Nate on the move

You'd think getting a video of your child crawling would be a piece of cake. Not so much for me. I finally got a somewhat decent one. He's funny . . . sometimes he's like a monkey literally on all fours . . . two hands and two feet. But when he's on the tile he looks like he has a "gimp" leg because he refuses to use his left knee. But however he's crawling, he's getting to be pretty quick and somehow he finds things that even Wes and I have never noticed.

He's officially in to everything. Enjoy the video of my little man. Notice that at the end he is climbing on me. That's his absolute favorite. Climbing.


Doreen Griffeth said...

I can't believe how Nate is crawling! Trey had a gimp leg, too! Sorry about the gene pool!

Melissa Snyder said...

Once they start crawling, the get into everything. He is so cute! What a fun stage you are in.

mrs. timberlake said...

I love he shares a classic mackenzie skill.... holding something while trying to crawl.

Although, that ball ups the degree of difficulty quite high.

The Baker said...

it just gets to be so much fun from here. I love it when they start to crawl, the baby phase isn't my favorite but it seems once they start to crawl all of a sudden they are walking and talking and its so so so much fun! Of course you know i am in love with your little guy...hes just the cutest!

familyof4 said...

How cute! Lauren does the same exact thing with her left leg. It's pretty funny to watch. I'll have to post a video Lauren and her attempting to walk. Yikes!

*uploading a video takes forever even if it's a few seconds!

Nikki, Cody, and Tessa said...

Great video!!! Love it!!!

The Roe Family said...

i love watching kids crawl it's so funny to me. Chase walks half the time and crawls the other half. Kids are so fun

The Skeehan Family said...

I LOVE his gimpy leg, adorable. And love how he's all over you, like, "Mom, seriously, let me eat the camera - come on!!"

Teisha said...

You added me! Yeah, I'm officially a friend! One of my girls goes up in the air like Nate as well. She does push ups! I'm not looking forward to my girls getting into everything. Hope you can come on Friday!

Andrus Family said...

Okay, that crawling technique is cracking me up!! Good work Nate!

Alisha said...

We can't wait to see you all next month! It is going to be so much fun!

Tina said...

What a cute little man I love his one legged crawl way too cute.

Alex said...

Wow, have a lot of blog commenters! Isn't it great to have readers?

Nate is adorable, that is so cute that he doesn't put his leg down! It's actually a smart move b/c their little knees get so rough from crawling all day...

I totally missed you guys on of my "part time jobby-jobs" is watching another baby and I just couldn't get his and Harrison's nap schedules to gel. He's just a tiny guy...3 months... aka, lots of napping and no swimming. :( Hopefully we'll make it next time.

katierose said...

that little man is ready to walk! nate is so adorable. i love all the photos of your family.