Nate has been a very peculiar eater lately. He still
loves food but he's pretty funny about it. Last week there were a few days where he would not eat any baby food! It was like he was telling me, "mom, I'm over the mush." He wanted to pick food up himself on his tray. He may not be crawling yet, have any teeth, or know how to sleep, but he sure figured out eating very early. He's been picking up food on his tray for months & loves big, chunky pieces. I'm a little hesitant to give them to him sometimes but he never tries to swallow....he just gums them to death and then swallows. He loves it. Last week caught me by surprise when he would not eat if I fed him. So I opened my cupboards to find anything and everything to give this kid. At every meal he
usually eats: a jar of size 3 baby food or cereal & ALOT of cut up fruit or his Gerber snacks. What was I supposed to give him that could equal 6 oz of food? I got pretty creative but I'd LOVE any suggestions. I'm sure that's not the last time I'll be rummaging cupboards for something new for him to try. Did I mention how
long it takes for him to eat when he won't eat the mush? FOREVER.
He also loves to be messy. It's funny for me to see the kids that can't stand to be dirty. Nate's the total opposite. If I drop food on his tray, he immediately gets both hands in it, smears it all over the tray, on to his face, in his hair, and just laughs. He thinks it's great to be messy. He's definitely ALL BOY.

These are a few pictures Wes took over the weekend:

What a boy! You definitely are being kept on your toes with this one! Gotta love HIM for being himself!
So cute!
I know this is going to sound funny - but he has the PRETTIEST skin tone. He is beautiful. Umm, and I know amy's gotten super creative with the girls and their eating too - you might want to ask her - she'll have good suggestions, I am sure.
Too cute! Once kids try REAL food is pretty near impossible to get them to eat the GERBER mush anymore. Cereal is always a good bet, pasta, diced soft fruits (pear, peach, berries), diced cheese. My kids didn't get teeth until late either, so we were forced to be creative with food for a long time as well!
He is getting so big and is still such a cute little boy. I love all the pictures. Zeke loves jam sandwiches I cut off the crust. They sell those little one serving fruit cups in all kinds of fruit and he likes those. He loves rice and refried beans. When he was getting fussy about the mush I mixed in some applesauce and made sure he had stuff on his tray and then I would try to sneak bites inbetween his finger food. He is totally off his bottle now to so it's pretty much letting him eat on his own. Love you stone wall it will look awesome as soon as you get stuff planted. Just out of the blue you came up with the idea of selling your bedroom set? I bought one of the chairs that your Leslie bought from your Mom. She only really needed one so she sold me the other one. It looks pretty good in my basement.
I remember having to get creative with Macie's food when she decided she had had the last jar she could stand. She was almost 1 though, but I think she only had 1 tooth so I had a hard time. We, too, did lots of tiny pieces that she could feed herself. Canned green beans were one of her favorites. They're very soft to eat. I would also cook thin spaghetti and cut it up or but Good Earth's alphabet pasta because they were already bite size but thick enough to pick up. I have more ideas so call me!
Hm, I have no experience feeding a fussy child. A fussy dog, yes :)
I'm glad your back is feeling better. Good luck with the food!
At least Nate really enjoys his food:) Riley fits into the category of "can't stand to be dirty" for sure-that also means that she doesn't want to eat anything that will make a mess- so basically that means she never wants to eat:)
I watched my 7 mo. old neice today and she made me think of you and Nate...I was feeding her squash and she had it all over me in no time! Some of these things I forgot...maybe on purpose!haha
I love the foot in the mouth picture!
I never understand why kids think it is fun to smear food all over their faces. I hate when food is on my face! =) ha! He does look very tan! Have you been swimming already?
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