{WARNING: This is a long post about my little dude but it's my journal!}
This month has been a rough one. Don’t get me wrong, there were plenty of happy moments, too but things weren’t smooth sailing like they were the month before. Gotta love babies phases, right? I will say that the last four days have been MUCH better. Thank goodness.
We’re still working with our pediatrician to figure out why he doesn’t want a bottle most of the time. We currently think it’s due to acid reflux so he’s on prevacid. He’s not drinking a ton more than before but at least now he’ll open his mouth for it occasionally instead of putting his hands up and shaking his head no almost every time. I’ve actually gotten to a point where I’ve quit worrying about it. It just made me crazy! He’s at least eating lots of solid foods so he’s not starving.
I think he’s teething (although I’ve been saying that for months) because you can tell he’s in pain. His gums are swollen and he won’t let us touch them….but still no teeth. I think this is part of the reason why he isn’t sleeping well. Sleeping has never been his strong suit so it’s always a bummer when it gets even worse! It’s so sad to go in there when he’s just crying in pain. Hopefully a tooth will break through soon.
We also tackled the swaddle this month. The kid needed his swaddle to sleep so we didn’t see any point in stopping it UNTIL…he started flipping himself over at night every few hours and got stuck. I was definitely not doing that for more than a few nights! It took the ENTIRE month to get him out of it. I started with just wrapping one arm….then they both got free but his body/legs were still wrapped. He’s been swaddle free at naptime for a few days and we tried not swaddling him at all at night for the first time last night. He woke up a number of times thinking it was time to play because he had his legs free….but overall…wasn’t too bad of a night! I’ve never seen a kid have to have a month long transition but whatever works, right? I do have to say that seeing him sleep without being all wrapped up is adorable. He turns on his side, holds his dog blanky, and cuddles in to another blanky. He loves stuff by his face.
I say this every month, but he seriously LOVES food. Lately I’ve been giving him “real” fruits in conjunction with his gerber jars. He loves having chunks in his mouth and loves everything. I find myself constantly trying to think of foods I can give him that are “real” that he won’t choke on and that are healthy. I’ll take any ideas! I also appreciate that he can feed himself food that is on his tray. He loves it, too! I need to get a video of him in his highchair when he sees the jar coming. He waves his hands and kicks his legs so excited for food. He also loves his water/juice in his sippy cup.
He’s not crawling yet….which is another reason he’s been so whiny this month. He wants SO badly to be mobile but hasn’t figured it out yet. He gets close and then quits and freaks out until you come help him. Hopefully month 9 will bring him mobility.

He still loves walks. Sometimes we take 5 in one day just to be outside. He especially loves my mom’s stroller. I love watching him because he pulls himself right up and stands up as we walk. He loves it. I had to steal my mom’s stroller because it’s his favorite.
He loves being in a shopping cart which has made grocery shopping much better! He tries to grab everything he can. He also loves the attention that other shoppers give him. He’s quite a ham sometimes & other times he gives them his furrowed brow like “why are you talking to me?” Yes, he still has the furrowed brow.

He’s definitely the bully on the playground. He’s around a lot of little girls and he goes right for their hair as soon as one of us isn’t looking. Even if they are newborns and they don’t have any hair, he’ll grab the skin on their head and yank. Sorry Millie.

He does say “dada” pretty regularly and just talks more in general.

His favorite game is for him to make a noise, then you make it back at him. He’ll do this over and over for quite some time. He also loves to be upside down....thrown around....bounced around, etc. He laughs hysterically.

Since we don't have any grass, I've been taking him to a nearby patch of grass during the day to lay on blankets and roll around. He also loves to eat grass, leaves & rocks. Most of these pictures are from yesterday when dad could come with us.
Nate supported our two favorite teams during March Madness. Too bad the Cougars and the Bulldogs lost in the first round.
Oh Lindsay...what a neat post. You'll look back at these and be so greatful you explained it all so well. Some months seem to drag on forever and before you know it you'll be looking back and wondering what happened to that little baby! Those first teeth take FOREVER and I often scratch my head wondering why it has to be so bad! Poor thing.
Such a cute boy! You can tell he has such a fun personality. Tell Wes that if he is up for painting the crib, Chris now knows what to do. . . and what not to do!!
1. Glad to hear he's on Prevacid and that its possibly working! Olivia is back on it too. Acid reflux is the pits!
2. I am SOOOOO jealous that Nate loves food so much! Olivia is quite the opposite, and lately begins screaming and crying when she sees a jar of food coming her way.
3. Also jealous that Nate can feed himself and will hold up his sippy cup. Sometimes I think Liv is just lazy. Especially with crawling. I think we have a long way to go with that one.
4. Teething...HATE it! Poor Nate! This has been a rough month for us too, because Liv's top two teeth are cutting through. It's been a nightmare. I think that's why she isn't eating or sleeping well either.
5. YAY for swaddle graduation!! We've finally mastered it too!
6. I agree, baby phases are crazy!!! Maybe these kiddos can be moody together. :)
Loved the pictures!
P.S. I'm glad to hear about your $5 deal...I think the PB one was $69! Definitely not worth it. :)
He wins me over with his furrowed brow every time... especially after he won't stop staring at me for a long time. Its cause I'm so beautiful. ha ha ha.
I love how detailed you get with your posts, it is a great family history.
He is still so cute! I love all of the pictures! We can't wait to see him. I'm sure he will be mobile by then...Trey will enjoy having a partner in crime!
Very sweet post. I always enjoy reading them, and Your pictures are always Perfect!
I hope things get better with him wanting to drink his milk. Our month has been rough too, Lauren Finally broke her first tooth and ended up with an ear infection. No wonder she was always crying. I bet any day Nate's tooth will finally come through! Crawling will become easier sometimes they just get scared. Hey At least Nate isn't trying to walk =) I bet in the next month or so I'll have a walking 8/9 month old! Yikes!
He is so cute even when he is grumpy. A lot of people say they love the baby stage, but I was not one of them. Tallon had really bad acid reflux and none of the medicines worked, and it makes for a very unhappy child. It looks like he is a very active little boy so the good news is things really do get better when they start walking. Tallon was like a night/day difference when he could move around more. Your talk about swaddling helped me out with my girls. They just turned 5 months and after hearing what a hard time Nate had with not being swaddled I figured I should quit doing it while they are younger. They weren't happy at first, but already are doing better.
he is so adorable! i love his little brow how it turns in when he frowns! cute cute
He is so handsome. I hate teething. Sorry for the bad sleeper we have one of those too. The only time Chase slept good was on a houseboat. He we 2months old and slept all day and all night. Not anymore
Those pictures are all so cute! I really love the first one because we can all instantly relate to those moments. It will be so fun to see you guys Friday!
Thanks for the congrats Lindsay! What a ham Nate is! Month number eight huh?! Wow! It seems like (to me) that he was just born. Anyway, I hope you are going to turn your blog into a book b/c these posts are amazing, you do such a nice job. And, you are quite the photographer aren't you? Your pictures turn out so great. Love your home improvements. The cabinets look awesome. When are we ever going to get together?
Awesome, you are going to love Becky! She's great. I can't wait to see your pictures!
Lindz - great great post. I absolutely LOVE the furrowed brow and all those outdoor pictures are some of the best pictures I've seen - you have such a great eye, and it helps that you have such a handsome subject too :)
ummmmm ps... when is he going to be good to go to come to Phoenix?? We completely missed out and are dying to see you guys.
you take the most beautiful pictures of Nate, he is the cutest kid, but you've got to have an excellent camera as well....? I love the shots you get, so priceless.
I also love Nates hair, the color and the way it lays...so adorable. I wanted brunette kids, I am a brown haired girl and love BROWN, why do I have two blonde kids??? :)
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