We literally have 8 feet in our backyard so we debated for a few years on what to do. My parents recently re-did their backyard and poured lots of stained, stamped concrete. We really like how it turned out so we called their concrete man and he poured the same stained, stamp concrete in our backyard. Now, the back area is more of an extension of our house instead of a yard. The back part is ALL concrete and then the side yard has some concrete, a sandbox for Nate, a future retaining wall/planter & stepping stones.
The concrete portion is done & we really like how it turned out. I wish we would have done it sooner! It's so nice to sit outside. It will be nice for Nate and I to be out there when he can crawl and walk around. There's enough room for a small slide or a little plastic pool. Now we just need to finish it off with a retaining wall/planter, some rock, & sand for the sandbox.
Here are some photos of the final product. Hopefully in the next month we will have finished everything so I can post final pictures of the new living room and new backyard.
The before photo of the dirt.
Views of the back now....
Nate's got his own patio chair.....
Now I see this from my kitchen/dining area instead of ugly dirt and rock....
Nate's future sandbox....
The retaining wall/planter will line this fence. This will give us some green and give me the ability to plant a few flowers.
The concrete stepping stones that lead you to the gate. We need to fill in around it with some rock.
And finally, the path that leads from the driveway to the gate.
Lindsay, your patio looks amazing! I can appreciate an 8 foot backyard because I have a 2 foot backyard (my balcony!) ha.
It looks great! ANd so do you I love your new sidebar picture you skinny mini, it looks like you have been working hard.
Your projects look so good. It is fun to do something new.
I love the look! You really have maximized your space!
Nate looks cute and big in his chair!
I would have never thought of doing that with your yard, but I love it! It will be so nice to have some outdoor space.
I love it! What an original idea for the stamped concrete. I think the flowers on the table are the perfect accessory.
I LOVE the fence. Here, we only have block walls or chain link fence. Yours looks so much nicer.
Wow!!! That looks AMAZING! I am so impressed! No more dirt :)
And am loving Nate's little chair
Wow, everything looks great. I think it is so fun to fix things up and get the backyard done. Our yard needs so much help. It is so big we just can't keep up with it so be grateful for your litle yard. Nate's gonna love it.
Looks great! I am so jealous that you can work in your yard! It snowed earlier this week here in Utah! I need the warm weather to come quick.
Way to maximize your space. It looks great!
This looks amazing. You are going to love it! And hey, a tiny yard is better than no yard!
Everythihg looks great! That also allows nate some places to ride a little ride on toy! Fun stuff.
It looks beautiful! I love it!
And I love Nate in his cute little chair! Is that the one that I just saw in the Pottery Barn catalog and fell in love with?!
When Olivia saw his picture, she started squealing and bouncing up and down! She misses her cousin and can't wait to see him in July! Can you believe they will almost be ONE?!?
That all looks great! Aren't kids so much fun? Trying to figure out their little dos and dont's? He sure is handsome. I hope this month is funner. He will be much happier when he crawls. They all hate this part of it!
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