My sisters have been wonderful as well. They are a different kind of busy than my mom with jobs & kids but I know when I need them they are there. Their constant willingness to help is appreciated & I feel so blessed that Nate will be able to spend so much time with two of his aunties.
Not only are my mom and sisters wonderful, but I managed to be blessed with an amazing mother-in-law and sister-in-laws, too. Grandma G. calls all of the time so excited to meet Nathan. Alisha is our expert mom and I can't tell you how many times I've called her with baby questions and she's always so willing to chat, regardless of what she's up to. Leigh always calls just to see how everything is going and I can't wait to see her tomorrow. Alyssa and I just chat about our little newborns and try to give each other as many tips as possible!
I'm so blessed to have such great ladies in my family!
You are amazing! You are a great daughter-in-law and sister-in-law! We are so glad that you are part of our family. We can hardly wait to come! We will be on our way shortly!
I agree...sisters rule. There is no way I could have made it through Tripp's hospital stay and last year's teacher appreciation craziness without you guys. Just last night Sam came over and stayed at the house with sleeping Abbie so I could run out and grab Kyle from scouts without having to get her out of bed.
I'm with you there is nothing like family
So true....moms and sisters basically make my day. I wanted to tell you that I'm going to Vegas with just Taylor on Sunday for a week while Jay is in Virginia and I'd love to see you and baby Nate. Maybe a lunch date? Or a lunch-in at my mom's. Let me know. Talk soon :)
My Mom and sister are the same way for me and I LOVE it! They are always willing to help out if I need a break. Your mom is awesome to help get the house ready! I totally know the feeling. Last week my mom helped me organize my entire bedroom and get stuff put away and it took us 3 hours too!
BTW I won't be at our ward this week even though I thought I would..long story...I haven't blogged it yet but I'm getting to it and it's a Great story =0) HAHA!
Make sure you leave some stuff for my Mom and Dad to do...you know they love projects! Because I never had a sister, it has been nice having you, Leigh and Alyssa around. Of course, I had my mom and I know I can count on her in a pinch. I hope my girls have the great sister relationship...right now they are best friends with secret handshakes...believe me I am writing this down so that when they are teenagers I can remind them!!!
Ohhhhhh.....I miss my mommy! Thanks alot!! j/k
Speaking of sisters, where is Sam??
let's do Tuesday. I leave to go home Friday night, so any other day is good for me. You can email me ate katejill27@aol.com. Can't wait.
I agree...I couldn't live without sisters and sisters-in-law! Wish we could have been there today!!!
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