I've never been a big TV watcher. There have been few shows in my life where I've had to be home at a certain time in order to catch that week's episode. However, my love of TV shows has changed in the last few years. I've become absolutely addicted to TV shows on DVD.
I guess it all began when Leah told Mimi about a deal at Costco where we could get ALL of the friends seasons on DVD for like $5 a season. So of course, I bought them all. Then, my sisters convinced me to start watching Gilmore Girls. My friend Leslie and I watched all of the seasons together. Then we were told that we needed to start watching Grey's Anatomy, which by the way, is the best show on television. Leslie & I watched season 1 and 2 in a matter of days (pathetic, I know) and my sister has all of the season 3 episodes on her computer that I need to watch. A friend told Wes that we needed to give Lost a try. Both of us are addicted to this one too and are counting down the days to February 7 when a new episodes airs. My latest is Felicity, thanks to Mimi who let me borrow season 1 and 2 & I think Laurel inspired me to watch all of the Golden Girls, which is a favorite of ours from college. What will be next? Who knows. I'm obviously a sucker for recommendations. And with blockbuster online, it couldn't be easier to just get disk after disk after disk.....
Ok I was with you the whole way, right up until... Golden Girls??! Laurel really. :) Just kidding, I was addicted to Charmed when I first got married, so I can't really tease anyone. So tell me you've watched 24 Linds. You didn't mention it. THAT, I believe, is the all time best show on television. Although I too, love Greys Anatomy, Lost, and way more than I can admit.
OK, coming from a tv addict, here are some more suggestions that I too have watched on dvd.
24 - best show ever and Wes would love it too
Veronica Mars - most people have never seen it but I promise if you give it a try you'd love it (and Brad likes it too)
Alias - another great one
Here's what I do...I stop taking people's show suggestions because I ALWAYS get addicted! 24 and Alias I've heard great things about but haven't let myself watch because right now I don't know what I'm missing.
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