Tuesday, January 30, 2007


My mom's love of decorating rubbed off on me at a very young age. While I still loved clothes & accessories, I almost always preferred to use my money growing up to buy a piece of furniture, a picture frame, new bedding, etc. That being said, I have ALOT of home decor. Most of the stuff I'm not using right now was in my fourth bedroom. aka "the storage room" which is shortly going to be the baby's room. I'm trying to stay ahead of the game so I started clearing out that room and I was having so much fun organizing that I went through every piece of home decor I own and got rid of most of it! It is all packed in my car!

The nice thing is that I live within 15 minutes of both of my sisters so we're always swapping things. Like I said in the title of this blog....what is junk to me is a treasure to Ali or Sam, and vise versa. We are constantly exchanging clothes that don't fit, home decor we're sick of, cookbooks we don't use, etc. Now that my car is full, I'll be going to visit them today to see if they want any of what I consider, junk. Even though a lot of it is close to brand new!


laurel said...

Ooh, I wish I lived in Vegas so I could get your junk!

So cute to hear you say "the baby's room". How crazy is that?!

Lindsay Griffeth said...

It definitely is strange to say! Even though I'm a third of the way to this little person being born...it still hasn't set in yet. :)

Lillie said...

I wish I lived closer and...was your sister--- you do have super cute "junk".

Trisha said...

Ok, I do live close and consider myself an almost sister. With that being said, feel free to send some "junk" my way! Also, I called you back last night about getting together this weekend. Will that work for you guys?