Anya and I met back in Kindergarten at Nate Mack Elementary School. She is one of my oldest and dearest friends. We've been through quite a bit together, especially from high school up until now. She is one of those people that you are always guaranteed a good time with. When we're together we just talk and laugh for hours. She lives in Vegas with her husband Sam and her two adorable little boys....Noah and Isaac.
The photo attached is a picture of Anya and I with our Kindergarten teacher and a few friends. I'm on the far left in the bright blue and white and Anya is in the pink tank top.
The reason I bring her up is because we finally saw them last night. It seems like our schedules never work on the weekends and we finally found a Saturday that worked! We went to one of our favorite hole-in-the-wall mexican restaurants...Macayo's. They had two extra tickets to the UNLV/New Mexico basketball game so we went there with them as well. The seats weren't together so I got to chat with Anya for hours while Sam and Wes enjoyed the game. It was a great game....UNLV won in overtime. I'm definitely still a Cougar fan, but it's fun to cheer on the Rebels too. It reminded me of how much fun Wes and I have with them & how I wish we could see them more often.
So seriously, how ahead of the times were you?! With your wide belt over your long top? SOOO cute! And your were a toe head?! I would have never guessed. Although so was I-- hmmmm
To great ol' friends.
Love the outfit!
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