I waited to post this until I talked to all of you who actually read my blog! Here is our little peanut in our second ultrasound. It was so neat to be able to hear the heartbeat. It's so amazing to me that something that is still so small can have a beating heart. Even though I've seen the little one a few times on the screen, it's still hard to believe that it is in ME. I don't think it has truly set in that I'm pregnant.
I want to say thank you to you ALL for being so excited for us. It made it so fun to tell everyone because you were all so dynamic - I loved it. We're looking forward to this new adventure in our lives. As you think of things that were helpful for you or things you wish you would have done during your pregnancies....please send any information my way. I'd love to hear about anything that worked for you! LWalker: I remember you saying you read a book after Avery was born that saved your life. What was that called?
I will apologize now if my blogs during the next 6 months are a little biased towards our little one! Love you all!
I showed Josh your blog and he looked at the ultrasound and said "What IS that?" It made me laugh because my first ultrasound was at 20 wks so the baby was quite distinguishable. It will be fun to see it grow!
That is funny. I actually had an ultrasound at 8 weeks and 10 weeks. There is one image where you can actually see the shape of a baby, but my mom "borrowed" it. You can tell Josh that I had the same thought. :)
Thank you so much for calling BEFORE you put this on here-- I much prefer congratulations with influction and obvious excitement.. sometimes it's harder in writing. :) We are SOOO excited for you guys and I can't wait to read all your posts about the things you are going through being pregnant. Life is about to get even sweeter!
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