We had a really nice, low-key Christmas at home this year.
On Christmas Eve . . . all of the hubbies & kids went to see the latest Alvin & the Chipmunks movie that afternoon while the moms got to stay in a quiet house to get some wrapping & cooking done. We made sugar cookies for Santa before heading over to my parents for our yearly Christmas Eve tradition . . . a nice dinner at my parent’s house with a visit from Santa Claus. Dinner was delicious . . . it was another nice Christmas Eve. While we were eating we heard Santa’s jingle bells and then he showed up on our front door! The looks on the kids’ faces when they hear the bells is priceless. Santa brought them each a book and then my parents handed out Christmas jammies. Santa is musically talented so he always has us sing a number of Christmas songs which is fun. It was a nice evening with the Marz family.

We got home & put on our Christmas jammies. Before bed, we got the cookies & carrots ready for Santa and his reindeer. A few months ago Nate came up with an idea to put balloons in the fireplace to give Santa a cushion for his landing. So, we did it. And I think it will be a fun yearly tradition! Not only was he listening for Santa’s bells all night long but Nate said he kept an ear listening for balloons popping in the fireplace, too!

Christmas morning was magical – as always. We made the exciting walk down the stairs full of anticipation of the toys left by Santa Claus. Nate’s face was priceless – he was excited when he turned the corner and saw the couch. He got what he asked for . . . a Batman Helicoptor, Joker’s Funny Car & Penguin Submarine. Ryan didn’t seem to really have a clue as to what was going on . . . it was like he didn’t understand that the toys were for him! As soon as he started digging in his stocking he found his most favorite thing of all – a few “treats.” He wanted absolutely nothing to do with opening or playing with presents – all he wanted to do was eat candy. So we let him eat it and he was happy! I should have listened to Nate when he said a few weeks prior . . . “all Ryan really wants for Christmas are more binky’s and treats.” It’s true.

Christmas Day was a little different this year. Sam had to work Christmas Day [she’s a nurse] . . . so the Marz Family Christmas got bumped to Dec 26th which meant we had a very relaxing, laid back Christmas Day in our jammies and it was wonderful. We didn’t have to rush anything. It was just our little family all day and with 1pm church - we had a very leisurely morning. And it was nice to go to church on Christmas Day to listen to all of the wonderful Christmas music. We welcomed a visit from my parents Christmas night – they wanted to see what Santa brought the kiddos which was fun. After we had waffles for dinner [I wasn’t kidding when I said it was low-key!] we loaded in the car and went to look at Christmas lights. And at the end of a wonderful day, Nate and his bear got to go to sleep in their new Lightning McQueen jammies.

On Dec 26th – we had another Christmas celebration! We met at my parent’s house first thing in the morning to exchange gifts & then off we went bowling! We’ve never gone bowling as a family but it was a good time. Most of us went back to my parent’s house after bowling where my mom had a delicious lunch of french onion soup and panini’s waiting for us. Aunt Sam was a trooper [again] and let Nate tie her up in a “trap” a few times. It was a great morning with the family.