Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Weekend at the Cabin 2011

We went to the cabin for Memorial Day weekend.  My whole family was there at some point - we spent the first half with my parents, Sam & Bert [Sam’s friend] and the second half with my parents & the Thompsons. 

nate.abbie.daisy big hug (1 of 1)

Nate went up a day early with Aunt Sam & Grandma/Grandpa Marz.  When Wes, Ryan & I pulled up he immediately wanted to show us something in the cooler.  His fishies!  He went fishing with my dad and Nate caught three fish entirely by himself.  He was proud.  He really thought these fish were his friends.  One minute he’d say they were just sleeping in the cooler and the next minute he was ready to cook them up.  Almost every time we walked by the cooler outside he had to have everyone around say hi to his fish.

nate and his fishies (1 of 1)

It was another fun few days at the cabin . . .

but the nights were awful.  Ryan is not a good traveling sleeper.  He pretty much screamed ALL night on Friday and Saturday unless he was being held.  Wes had  had enough so he drove home with Ryan on Sunday night!  The little stinker slept for 12 hours solid and then took a 4+ hour nap on Monday.  Seriously, Ryan?

Back to the fun-filled days . . .

. Before the Thompson girls got there Nate and Ryan played a little bit together.  They both loved digging in the big pile of snow that’s still next to the cabin.

ryan and nate in snow 2 (1 of 1)

nate playing with ryan (1 of 1)

ryan eating snow on shovel (1 of 1)

. All of a sudden, Ryan just started screaming.  His poor little hands were freezing!

a sad ryan (1 of 1)

ryan in back of truck (1 of 1)

. As soon as the Thompsons arrived – Nate and his cute cousins were together the rest of the time.  One day Ryan will be big enough to play, too.  But in the meantime, Ryan actually likes time to just play by himself without any big-kids taking all of his stuff.

nate.abbie.daisy (1 of 1)

ryan digging in snow (1 of 1)

. We had our annual trip to the Duck Creek Dance Hall on Saturday night for a little dancin’.  The band, Muddy Boots, remembered Nate/Abbie/Daisy from the last few years.  All three of them love to dance.  Grandma is always up for dancing with them!

gma dancing with all kids (1 of 1)

dance hall (1 of 1)

gma dancing with kiddos (1 of 1)

A group of ladies came up to do some line dancing.  Nate & Abbie jumped right in there.

nate.abbie line dancing (1 of 1)

daisy dancing (1 of 1)

dancing cowboy nate (1 of 1)

Ryan was mesmerized by the band.  When my mom took him off of the stage for a bit he signed “more” and pointed to the stage.

ryan dancing with gma (1 of 1)

. Grandma brought a new game – Corn Hole.  The kids thought it was pretty fun.

ryan playing cornhole (1 of 1)

kids learning cornhole rules (1 of 1)

nate playing cornhole (1 of 1)

. And of course, lots of cabin car rides.

tripp and kiddos on 4wheeler (1 of 1)

Grandma took the kids on lots of “green cabin car” rides.

kids on mule with gma (1 of 1)

Sam & Bert. We really like Sam’s friend Bert.  And yes, he’s just a friend.  But he’s funny & we like having him around.  He also appreciates a diet coke fountain drink so we made sure to get at least one a day in the Duck Creek Village. 

sam.bert on 4wheeler (1 of 1)

. It was on this ride that we got pulled over by the Sheriff for expired registration.

nate with on 4wheeler (1 of 1)

. A bedtime story.  Who doesn’t love the Care Bears?  My mom has a lot of the books from my childhood at the cabin so it’s fun to read them to Nate.

gma reading bedtime stores (1 of 1)           

ryan and mama (1 of 1)

. This is a classic Nate face.  He was mad about something and I happened to capture it.

nate grumpy face (1 of 1)         

Another good time had by all at the Marz Cabin.


Sammy said...

it was great to see you but i'm sad i missed the rest of the trip!

mrs. timberlake said...

oh jeeze. i so know that feeling of just being (((done))) and wanting to take ryan home.

outside of that, it looks like the perfect trip!

Ali said...

I think it was the hat....he was mad about the hat and came in and threw it off. I happened to dig it.

Anya said...

I think you need to frame that last one.

The Skeehan Family said...

Those pics are AMAZING - I especially love all the dancing ones.

And I'm laughing because you totally had to put in there that Bert was just Sam's friend - I was totally thinking something :)

Still can't believe Ryan. What.a.stinker! I cannot wait to hear about the lake. I have been thinking of you all week and crossing my fingers!!!

Doreen Griffeth said...

Fun!!! Fun!!! Fun!!! You guys know how to have fun!