Wednesday, June 15, 2011

We’re back from Lake Wedowee, Alabama

We spent last week at Lake Wedowee [in Alabama] with Wes entire family.  It’s by far one of my favorite weeks of the year.  I’m already looking forward to 2012.

I have pretty awesome in-laws.  Seriously.  They are all fabulous.  Wes’ parents give up their Master Suite every year and sleep upstairs in the loft on separate beds so their kids/grandkids can be comfortable!  And after Ryan’s screaming episodes at night at the cabin over Memorial Weekend Wes’ parents even brought a crib for Ryan to see if that would help.  Like I said – they’re the best.

Before my big post about the entire trip – here are a few random things to remember . . .

. We were scared to death about Ryan’s sleeping.  Seven nights is a long time to be awake all night.  The first night he started SCREAMING at about 11pm and after hours and hours of screaming the weekend before Wes got him and he slept in between Wes and I on the king size bed.  Which actually worked quite well for about 4 hours and then all of a sudden Ryan was wide awake.  Wes managed to stay asleep but I was wide awake with Ryan – pretending to be asleep.  While I was frustrated with Ryan and wanted to throw him out the window – he was CRACKING me up.  While Wes was asleep he’d crawl over and stick his finger in Wes’ ear and just laugh.  Or he’d come up to me with my eyes shut and play peek-a-boo & poke my eyes.  This went on for about 3 hours before he fell asleep again.  Lets just say that was the last night he was in our bed!  We gave him the entire room to himself while I slept with Nate and Wes slept on the couch.  For the most part, Ryan did alright after that first night!  Nothing like what we experienced at the cabin.  Hallelujah.

. We pretty much didn’t see Nate all week other than meal time and bed time and a ride on a jetski.  He LOVES his cousins and had an absolute blast.  It really made me sad all of those Griffeths/Thorntons live so far away. 

grandkids (1 of 1)

. I need a KENDAL Thornton.  She’s Nate/Ryan’s 7 year old cousin and she’s fabulous.  She has a genuine love of kids.  She was constantly taking a baby away from a mama just to hold them / play with them.  She never needs a turn of her own – she is 100% there to make sure other kids are having fun.  She and Nate have always been buddies on these vacations.  Kendal was so cute with him.  She even gave up pool time to have quiet time with Nate every afternoon and watched a movie with him.  She’s awesome.

nate.kendal on blow.up jetski (1 of 1)

. I’m pretty sure every kid cried at least once because of Ryan!  He’s in a weird phase where he just can’t keep his hands to himself.  He enjoys pinching and pulling hair and everyone was a victim at least once.  Adison was smart and by the end of the trip she had her hands up blocking her face when Ryan came near or she’d just take off running. 

I’m missing the Griffeths and the lake – that’s for sure!  More to come . . .

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Good times, great memories! Another wonderful year and my kids just can't understand why we can't just go run over to Nate's house...I see a big road trip one of these days!