Monday, November 22, 2010

ryan: [9] months old

ryan 9 months old (1 of 1)

our little monkey is 9 months old.  i love this boy to death but he is so much work lately!  for the last month he’s had super-swollen gums and so he just wants to be held.  he’s either in to everything in the house or he’s in our arms!   when he’s not held he is determined to figure things out, get in to everything, pull everything down, rip everything apart . . . with a big smile on his face. 

a little more about ryan at 9 months:

. he can open every cabinet in our house.

. he loves toilets and can find an open one in seconds.  disgusting.

. he loves bathtubs.

. he loves the dishwasher.

ryan on dishwasher (1 of 1)

. he climbs entire flights of stairs [with supervision].  he is learning how to go down.

. he throws everything. 

. he claps – usually for himself. [see video]

. he tried saying “uh-oh” a few times today.  He got the sounds right.

. he babbles mama and dada all day long.

. he absolutely hates getting dressed.  i am thinking about inventing a child restraint system for diaper changes and getting dressed.

. this boy loves to eat absolutely anything.  he still loves baby food but really loves any big people food.   he can eat quite a bit!

. he’s still not a very good napper.  bedtime is at 6:15/6:30pm [because he’s exhausted from a long day] and he wakes up around 6:30am [with one feeding in between and if he’s up any more than that he cries it out.  that middle of the night bottle is ending soon!]

. he loves his bottle and his binky.  he gets soooo excited when he sees a bottle of milk or even if I sign “milk” to him.  But don’t let him see a bottle because he’ll scream until he gets it.  this will be a fun one to try to get rid of in a few months!

. he has two teeth on the bottom and one random one on top with three more on top about to cut through.

. he weighs around 21 pounds . . . putting him in 12/18 month clothes.

. this boy is in pain from teething.  he’s been a whiny mess for a month.  as long as he’s being held – he’s totally fine. he definitely doesn’t want to be crawling around or playing for very long without you on the floor right next to him or holding him.  he’s pretty much following me around and pulling on my pant legs all day long!

. he loves big kids and always wants to be a part of the party. 

. he’s crawling really fast.  especially when we play “i’m gonna get you!”

. he likes to dance by shaking his head back and forth really fast. [see video]

. he loves balls.  we play catch a few times every day.  this is one activity that nate actually enjoys doing with his brother.

playing catch (1 of 1)

. he’s always got something in his mouth.  his latest move is that he likes to crawl with something in his mouth.

 ry eating a car (1 of 1) 

.he loves to be outside but it’s tricky now because he crawls right for the dirt and rocks and eats them.  but thankfully he loves the swings where he’s contained!  nate loves to push him in the swings.

nate pushing ryan in swing (1 of 1)

[thanks aunt ali for letting me borrow your fun tree swing!]

ryan in the swings (1 of 1)

. i love having two boys.  this is as matching as they will ever be . . . jammies!  nate thinks it’s pretty cool that they have the same pajamas.

r & n matching jammies (1 of 1)


mrs. timberlake said...

9 months!!!!


i can't believe how festive your yard looks... love your trees! :)

Alisha said...

What a big boy! It looks like he is starting to get some hair!

Doreen Griffeth said...

Love this post! So fun to hear about your BIG boy! Thanks for the details! Can't wait to see him!