Tuesday, November 2, 2010

halloween 2010

skeleton jammies (1 of 1)

this post should be about 5 different posts broken up . . . but it’s not.  so here we go:

Halloween was pretty fun this year.  Nate was super excited to be Batman.  Gone are the days of my cute little animal [monkey, elephant, or lion].  We’ve moved on to super heroes.

batman growing clear (1 of 1)

batman with a grin (1 of 1)

We opted for practical with Ryan: his costume doubles as a skeleton and a pair of pajamas. 

ryan the skeleton (1 of 1)


A few of our Halloween festivities:


Nate enjoyed the games and the trunk-or-treating, but his ALL TIME FAVORITE ACTIVITY is handing out candy!  He loved it.  If we had a lull of trunk-or-treaters, he’d start yelling . . . “who wants my candy!?  come get my candy!”  He thought it was pretty cool and was never once concerned about candy for himself.

On a side note – our ward is a part of a TRI.WARD trunk-or-treat.  The kids had fun but there are WAY too many people at a tri-ward trunk or treat.  Serene ward: you will always have the BEST trunk-or-treat.  Nate missed the train, for sure.

[the cousins]

nate.abbie.daisy (1 of 1)

[nate and one of his favorite big kids, travis.]

travis and nate (1 of 1)

ryan was ready to go to bed but tried to be a trooper for his brother.

ryan in stoller (1 of 1)


Painting pumpkins

painted pumpkins (1 of 1)

I had every intention of carving them this year but totally forgot.  At least he got to paint one!


Halloween at the Library with Thompson Girls. [no pictures to prove it]


Nate’s preschool Halloween party

nates preschool class (1 of 1)

nate.hadley.harrison (1 of 1)

   harrison and nate (1 of 1)  

school parade 1 (1 of 1)


Halloween Night

Since Nate loved handing out candy so much at the trunk-or-treat . . . Nate and I sat on our front porch and handed out candy to our trick-or-treaters.  The only house he trick or treated to was our neighbors [i knew they’d want to see him in costume] and as we were walking home he was already talking about giving the candy he just got away!


a few halloween traditions we started this year:

On October 1st – we decorated for Halloween.  I also gave the boys a little Halloween present with Halloween stuff.  It consisted of a new Halloween book, their jammies, coloring books, etc.  It got Nate excited for the holiday so I think I’ll keep doing that.

halloween decor (1 of 1)

On October 31st – I stole this idea from Ali to get rid of the Halloween candy [at least, Nate thinks it’s gone] and modified it a bit since I couldn’t remember the details.  Nate got to pick out a few of his favorite pieces of Halloween candy and the rest went in to our big cauldron that sat outside for the witch to come take away on her broom on Halloween night.  She left Nate & Ryan each with a toy, instead!  Nate thought it was a great idea and hasn’t asked for a piece of candy since Halloween.  He’s too busy playing with the cars she left him.


J-Leav said...

I have got to get in on that witch thing. Abby and I have been going WWF style over her candy. It's making me crazy and testing my love of the holiday.

Doreen Griffeth said...

I'd say that you really helped the boys enjoy Halloween! Way to go!
Fun pictures!

laurel said...

Fun Halloween! That's a really cute Batman costume, and I always love those skeleton pjs for costumes.

I hope Wes is recovering well!

Ali said...

The Great Pumpkin visits our house but whatever makes everyone happy. The Great Pumpkin even visits the cabin when you trick or treat in Cedar the night before...just in case you wondered (like Abbie did...for four whole weeks until it worked).

Laurel said...

love the witch on a broom idea. and i especially love that he was so excited to GIVE the candy.

Andrus Family said...

I'm diggin the Batman costume! And your 3 pictures look great above your white thing...I'll have to put mine there next year. (thx again!)