[gotta love those chunky legs.]
He can now open cabinets. He un-plugs everything and tries to eat it. He climbed on to my mom's couch and was so proud. He tries to climb our slide in the living room. [yes, we have a slide in our living room, for now]. He throws anything and everything on the coffee table on to the floor. He loves the front-loading washer and dryer. He tries to sneak in to the shower any chance he can get. He can maneuver his way in to a standing position in a shopping cart - even while strapped in pretty tight. His "fang" teeth on top are coming in . . . they are the first teeth on the top so that could look pretty funny for a while. He's made his way up a few stairs.
I love this boy but he's crazy. We leave the house a lot so I can contain him in a stroller. Luckily he's a pretty happy kid as we're out and about.
Nate figured out that the bottom of the slide is the perfect height for our little step in to the living room. It's perfect for Ryan . . . he loves it!
Too cute!!! Love to see the boys in action!
Love all the videos, especially the army crawl with his sound effects. He looks to be very busy too!
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