Monday, September 20, 2010

ryan is [7] months old

wow.  seven months old.  for some reason 7 months seems old to me - definitely not a little baby anymore.  

7 months with card (1 of 1)


. he is absolutely everywhere – still with his army crawl that gets faster every day.  he lost skin on his big left toe from pushing off and a blister is forming - it isn’t stopping him. 

. he climbs in to things. 

. he climbs up the stair by our front door and is trying to figure out the staircase. 

. he’s no longer content sitting with a bucket of toys – apparently that’s boring. 

. he waves hi and bye and is quite proud.

. he grunts.  alot. 

. it is nearly impossible to change this dude’s diaper or get him dressed.  I think baby restraints need to be invented for crazy boys like Ryan.  It’s insane!

. he loves playing on a big sheet on the grass in the front yard - you can find us out there alot watching Nate play. 

. he loves food.  when he sees either a bottle or a bowl of food for him – he gets a huge grin and starts panting.

. he loves chunky food like pieces of a banana or a pear.

. he isn’t a very long napper during the day.  a few times a month he surprises me with a good, long nap but they are usually quite brief.  this is mainly due to the fact that he is a sleeping pooper.  he poops almost every time he sleeps.

. which means he goes to bed between 6:30 – 7:00 every night.  a few times a week he sleeps from 6:30pm – 6:30am STRAIGHT. 

. he wants his own personal space from his big brother which rarely happens.  He doesn’t want anyone in his way – he wants to do his thing without being interrupted.  however, he always wants to see someone.  he doesn’t like being alone.

. he gets M A D when you take something away from him.  holy cow.

. still loves his binky & the bath.  he’s just like nate with the water . . . loves having it poured over his head or dunking his head in.

. he finds a tag on anything and everything and will eat it until you take it away.

. i think more teeth are on their way.  he currently has two on the bottom.


[the wave in photos]


toes in the grass (1 of 1)

ry smiles (1 of 1)

sucker sharing (1 of 1) 

ryan smirk on grass (1 of 1) ryan looking down with drool (1 of 1)

[spencer & leigh – your nephew may need some dental work down the road with this thumb obsession.  we’re working on it.  promise.]

ry sucking thumb 2 (1 of 1)


Sammy said...

I can't believe how big he is. Love baby Ryan

Alisha said...

7 months...he's never been little, but he does look like a big boy. So darn cute...I love the photo shoot!

Doreen Griffeth said...

Oh my word! I can't believe this kid!!! Wow! Thanks for the updates! I love hearing about what he is doing!
Thanks for the adorable pictures, too!

leigh and spencer said...

Jaidyn was my pooper sleeper too. Bummer. She still is!