Saturday, September 11, 2010

i love this boy.

ryan in tie smilin (1 of 1)

I am in love with this boy of mine.  He is at such a fun [and much easier] stage & I’m loving it.

For one, he is a HAPPY dude.  He’s got such a great personality.

He’s loving these newer developments:

. sitting up big in his stroller.

. sitting in a high-chair at restaurants.

. sitting in the shopping cart at the store.

[notice a trend?  much less time in the ol’ carseat which he’s not a big fan of.]

. eating puffs [best baby food invention] as well as little bites of fruit.  He loves it.  And being able to feed him during times when he’s a little bored/fussy/tired is fabulous.  I am so impressed with him – he had no trouble at all eating something more substantial than baby mush!


And I am loving:

. all of the above.

. that he’ll sit with a bucket of toys and just play and play.  That is, as long as Nate isn’t around to pester him.

. that he’s moving around – but I don’t feel like he’s everywhere yet.  It’s just enough to keep him happy.  Usually if I plop him down sitting up, he stays sitting up instead of crawling.  But that started to change today.

. that he goes to bed between 6:30pm-7pm every night and wakes up around 7am [with one quick bottle in between].

. that even when he’s crying and upset he can put himself to sleep pretty quickly – most of the time.

. his constant smiles.


I feel like we’re in that “calm before the storm” period.  The storm being where he’s absolutely everywhere and in to everything.

I’m one happy mama with this little boy.  Hallelujah that the little baby/newborn stage is over.


Alisha said...

Love the pictures...I'm so happy that he is being such a good boy! Enjoy!

Doreen Griffeth said...

I love man in a tie!!! So cute! Love hearing about this little boy!

Alyssa Griffeth said...

Okay...That picture is so stinkin' cute!!! So fun to hear all about Ryan.

The Skeehan Family said...

where did you come up with him in a little tie??? I LOOOOOVE IT!

And yes, enjoy that calm before the storm because the storm is fierce :)