{these photos are of him running around upstairs before his bath. He loves his underpants.}
Today was day 1. We had a few accidents this morning which had me worried because he thought peeing and pooping in underwear was COOL. Ask Aunt Sam who stopped by for all of 2 minutes today and got to witness it. He was proud of the pee all over the tile.
But he did great after his nap. He told us repeatedly that he needed to pee and he even pooped in the potty. A major accomplishment for this little guy.
He about lost it when I went to put a pull-up on him tonight for bed. So we compromised with Lightning McQueen underwear over the pull-up.
Very proud of his Mater underwear that he kept dry for the second half of the day!
Wish us luck. This potty training thing is exhausting!
Yeah!!!! He is SO smart!!!!
Keep it up! One week and he will be there!
So fabulous! Boy underwear is definitely cooler than all the girl princess (i want to say crap, but know i shouldn't) stuff.
Crossing fingers for a good rest of the week!!!!!
(next: operation b!)
Awesome! Sounds like he's on his way ad he'll get it in no time!
I just potty trained Lauren over Spring Break and was done in 3 days. When they are ready they are ready, ya know! Can't wait to hear on an update.
Hooray! Good luck and don't give up
Go Nate!! Awesome! (it IS exhausting)
Sounds like what I am doing with Vincent this week even looks like the same underwear. Monday 7 mistakes but yesterday was better and today only one minor little leak before we got to the toilet so I guess we are on our way. When I had Christopher I didn't want to do Scouts or Potty training. He was the last one for Scouts but I sure have had a lot of practice with the other since him. Your two little guys are adorable hope you are liking that new home of yours.
You can do it!!
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