Nate and Had are buddies. Or should I say more like siblings with their love/hate relationship. They ask for each other all of the time and sometimes play really well and sometimes they fight the entire time. But in the end, they sure do love each other!
We've had Daisy over to play a few times in the last few weeks while Abbie has been at school. Nate loves having his cousins so close. These two play really well together for the most part!
They both LOVE their blankies.
Playing a little blanky basketball.
Does it get any cuter than these curls? She was adamant about only wearing one shoe that day.
Eating some grapes and watching a little Mickey while I fed Ryan.
A few weeks ago, Nate played dress-up with the girls at their house. He spends a lot of time with girls and loves it!
MOWING THE LAWN. You should have seen how excited Nate was to a). be able to walk on our new grass and b). be able to mow it with his dad.
NEIGHBORHOOD PARTY AT THE PARK. We have a crazy neighbor around the corner who wants to put a 45 foot wind-turbine in his backyard to help save energy. It's a total joke and our neighborhood had a party at the park a few Saturday's ago to join forces to fight this guy. They had a bounce house and it was a HUGE hit for Nate. He loved it. I truly thought the afternoon was going to end in the ER with all of the big kids in there but he had a great time.
EASTER EGGS. Better late than never, right? I cleaned my pantry last week and found the Toy Story Easter Egg Kit Aunt Sam gave us in February. Somehow I forgot to color eggs with Nate this year so we did it today and he loved it!