Nate has yet another ear infection. He's just like his dad was when he was little. You'd
never know he was in that much pain since he's a pretty happy kid most of the time but he was tugging on the ears and shaking his head so I took him in again today. It's only a single ear infection this time but Dr. Carrie said it's a pretty good one with "bubbles" in there. Yikes. This is his second one this month so while we're not making an appointment to have tubes put in
quite yet, I did get the "just be prepared if this keeps happening we may need to look in to it" talk today.
I think Wes had tubes put in twice so I guess "like father, like son" is in order.
Nate is quite a champ ~ he's got an ear infection and two top teeth cutting through and he's still as happy as can be. Must be that Griffeth pain tolerance kicking in!
Hallie had the warning, but hasn't had an ear infection since! (Knock on wood) It was good luck for us when we got that warning so now we will pass it on to you! Good Luck and keep us posted on what you have to do!
Poor guy!!! I'm glad he has such a high pain tolerance!
Poor Nate! I hope he doesn't need tubes!!
Lauren is finally getting her top tooth, and she is not a happy girl =(
Oh no, poor little guy! Ya you would never know his ears hurt by looking at his smiley face:) Riley also had tons of ear infections but for some reason when she was aroung 14 months they just stopped and she hasn't had one since- who knows?
We missed you today- but we are going again next week. Hopefully you can make it- it was really fun!
Poor guy! Lacy's little boy had tons of ear infections... it's so weird how some are just more prone...
I would say if he has another one get the tubes. the doctor did tell me that it can be hereditary and i had them and then jack did. he has at least one a month and after the tubes, which by the way is the quickest easiest in and out surgery, but he hasn't had an ear infection since. michelle did it with chase too.
Brinley had ear infections from 3 months until 1 year and we were suppose to get tubes in her ears. We were told that they were going to approve it with our insurance and then we could make the appt. with the doc. Well, in the 2 weeks we were waiting for the approval, she didn't have an ear infection (which was a long span for her) so I didn't end up making the appt. and now I'm so so glad I didn't because since she turned one, she hasn't had another ear infection (and now she's 6). Good luck with it all though. I know they're great for people who really need them!
Poor little guy! I am glad he is still happy through it all. He is so dang cute!
We had the warning and my father in law who was in chiropractic care for 30 years suggested that I go and see a chiropractic who will deal with babies. We ended up not having to go, but my family has used a lady and has done wonders. This might be a good alternative to tubes as it is not permanent!
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