He's been 11 months old for a few weeks now but better late than never, right?
His 11 month of life was by far his most exciting! He spent a week at the beach with his Marz family, a week being spoiled with grandma and grandpa marz, and a week with his Griffeth family on a lake. What a life!
His personality keeps coming out more and more lately. He's such a goofball. His smile is contagious. Grandma G puts it best when she says that "he loses his entire face in his smile." His whole face goes in to that big grin! He's turning in to quite a people person.
He's definitely on the move. He's quite a speed crawler these days. He's walking pretty well when we hold his hands but we're still a ways a way from him walking on his own. Right now he's content standing and walking along the wall. He's also in to EVERYTHING. He makes me laugh all day with the stuff he manages to get in to.
{Getting in to our food at the lake. Yes, he did pee on this box. I love naked babies.}

{His latest favorite thing to do}

He still loves to eat. His current favorites are: pickles, strawberries, watermelon & of course, any kind of cheese. He currently wants to drink "big people drinks." Whenever he sees me with a cup, a water bottle, a soda, etc. ~ he wants it.
His newest talents are: he gives high fives, claps, waves hi/bye, says "uh-oh", points to the lights and fans (he's obsessed) and occasionally growls like a bear when you ask him what a bear says. I can't take credit for any of these things except for high fives & "uh-oh". The rest were taught to him by grandma's and cousins. He also signs more. We're working on drink, all-done, & eat.
He still only has two bottom teeth but there are FOUR swollen white gums on top! I'm sad for his top teeth to come in because their little faces change so much (and they usually look a little goofy). So, I'm enjoying his gums as much as I can. They won't be there much longer! Because of his teeth, he's back to chewing on everything he can get his hands on.

He's finally a good sleeper! I waited 10 long months to be able to say this but he's finally figured it out. THANK goodness.
This little kid is so much fun. We love him!
i didn't think it was possible for him to get any cuter!
I really have never seen a more handsome 11 month old. What a cutie!
Lindsay, Is that THE rug in that first picture? Did you get it? Or was that when you were trying it out? I LOVE IT. LOVE IT.
Back to Nate: He is looking very grown up and ready to date... so come on back to Phx, and between the three girlies here, he will have plenty of fun.
So cute! We loved spending time with him. He is a GREAT baby and is growing so much! We loved getting to know this personality!
Thanks for sharing all the pictures!
Can't wait to see him again!
So, what you're saying is that I still have like 9 more months of sleep deprivation!! I can't wait until Ridge starts sleeping good too! Linds- he is so cute! I love his eyes!
Can I just say I love him? I do, I really really do.
We love that smile! We miss him already! I can't believe he is already 11 months! Enjoy!
I love how you do the monthly updates. You'll be so glad you did.
I can't believe you almost have a 1 year old!
And congrats on him sleeping well!
What a flippin' STUDDDD!!! He's so cute :) HE makes me excited to have a boy (maybe I've told you that before haha!)
I love reading this stuff. I'm so glad he's sleeping good for you! You dealt with it all so well it seemed. We're finally getting ours now that Sophia's almost three. She's worse than ever! Sigh.
He's such a handsome kid Linds.
What a cute 11 month old you have there! My favotite picture was... you guessed it, him getting into the coke and the box butt naked! So funny! He will hate that picture when he is older!
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