Nate turns 9 months old tomorrow.
He is turning in to such a funny little kid. His facial expressions are priceless. He's almost moving around. He's kinda quirky. He's got his own unique personality.
A few random things about Nate:
He is on the verge of crawling. He C R A W L S in his own way. Kinda like a snake slithering across the floor. But he's sooo close to actually crawling. I'm sure he will this week and then life turns in to a whole new ballgame for me.
He's really been working on his B A L A N C E. He pulls himself up to everything. If we're laying down, we turn in to a jungle gym for him. He's loving it. It's still surprising to walk in his room and see him sitting up and playing in his crib.
He meticulously D I S E C T S the floor, looking for any small fragment he can put in his mouth. I can't vacuum enough. He still finds something to put in his mouth. He particularly loves to eat the rug and the carpet. It's kinda gross yet funny at the same time.
He is going to eat us out of house and home. He is a H U M A N G A R B A G E D I S P O S A L. He shocks me daily by the amount of food he'll eat. And, with the help of acid reflux medicine, he loves his milk again.
He can throw a great T A N T R U M. If we take something away from him or even just put him in the car he screams and cries. If you do it back to him, he sometimes laughs.
He's still our T O O T H L E S S wonder.
I love this little boy to death but his sleeping S U C K S. He is a terrible sleeper. Supposedly I wasn't much better at his age but it's killing me. He's still up 2 times a night. He's 9 months old for heaven sakes!
He is a little S H Y when we are around people he doesn't know very well. But as soon as we're there for about 10 minutes or so he warms up and turns in to his goofy self. You can definitely tell when he recognizes people because he gets an instant smile.
He's a pretty tan kid. I didn't notice it until many people commented on his skin. He already has a little tan line from going on so many walks!
He still loves going on W A L K S. We go at least 3 times a day. He's pretty funny in this particular stroller (I had to borrow it from my mom because it's his favorite!). He either stands up and jumps or lies down on the side with his tongue out. What a goofball.
He gets more and more fun every month. I love this kid!
Such a cute little boy and he seems like so much fun! I'm excited to have one of my own and see the changes I'm in for :) Nate is a little STUD!!!
Can't wait to see this little guy soon@! I'm sure he will start moving soon...and that is when the FUN really begins!
He is so handsome! I am so sorry you are getting up at night, still. Crying it out is all that has worked in our house. It's torcherous and sometimes would last for a VERY long time, but a week of that and I have sleeping angels. =) His skin is GORGEOUS. Miss you guys!
Thanks for the detailed update each month. It really helps me feel like I can stay in touch with my Las Vegas boy!!! He is SO cute!!!
What a cutie...I loved this post! It's so fun to see the similar stages that our kids are in. Nate is definitely way stronger than Olivia!
We would have LOVED to see you guys when we were in Vegas...Sadly, things were so crazy with my sister's family, that we hardly even left the hospital (partly because we didn't have a car). AND...My brother in law flew me out to HELP them, so I felt guilty doing anything other than helping. :-)
I know Olivia misses Nate though. It would have been SO fun to see you guys. Next time...I promise!
I think I am most impressed with/envious of a tan line!
I loved all the pics and fun details of nate.
Can't wait for the video of him CRAWLING!!! At the same time, enjoy these last moments of knowing exactly where he is!
p.s. I know claire probably has dibs on him, but i think my girlies can take her.
WAIT! in the avoidance of my life, I am on your blog again, and just noticed the picture of nate upside down sticking his tongue out in his stroller. That is my FAVORITE favorite FAVORITE picture. Love it!
Cute post as always!
We'll switch kids for the night so you can get a good nights rest k? =)
Lauren sleeps well, but just to make sure she doesn't wake up I feed her (right before bed) some warm cereal with milk in it to fill her tummy.
Hopefully he'll start sleeping well soon. Good luck!
The pictures are so cute! Macie was my little vacuum cleaner as well around that age. There were always things she could find in my rug that the vacuum couldn't get up. We need to get together again!
9 months! I remember thinking that Sophia got exponentially more fun after 8 months... until about 2. Then she just got crazy. :)
That picture of he and Wes is so darling. He really is a gorgeous little boy.
While I'm already writing here... Linds, that date sounded great! Wed the 14th was it? That would be SO fun to have you out for the day! Can you guys sleep over? Or is it just the day? Please come!!!
WOW nine months. That flew by. He is so cute. Before you know it he will be a year and walkin.
I already miss him, he's growing up and I've only been gone a week!
I'm with Jen 9 months has flown by it seems to do that but when you don't see people all the time it seem like time should stand still until you see them again if that makes any sense. The pics are darling I can't believe how big he is getting I wish pictures let you more into their little personality. The saying Rugrats came from exactly what Nate likes to do while down at ground level.
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