We spent the weekend in Phoenix, Arizona with some of our favorite people..... Mimi & Dan. Mimi and I met our sophomore year at BYU. Mimi started dating Dan and I started dating Wes at the same time our senior year so we spent a lot of time with them. We try to see each other a few times a year but with Nate & Claire being born, it's been over a year since we had seen them so it was time to go down there. Plus, Mimi has a fabulous family so we love seeing all of the Merrill clan.
Claire & Nate had a love/hate relationship. Nate looks like quite the pro at smooching girls.

I flew down with Nate on Friday morning so I could have some girl time with Mimi & her adorable daughter Claire. I was a little concerned about Nate and how he'd do without his consistent naps but he did really well! However, he did set the record for his longest nap E V E R....4 hours... on Friday afternoon. I guess the airplane ride wore him out. We were going to go swimming that afternoon but since he was obviously exhausted we just let him sleep. We did meet up with Nicole, Anthony & Amy and their twins on Friday night at a fun outdoor mall so the kids could play in the fountains. It was perfect weather & wonderful company! Nate was really funny with the fountains. He L O V E D them! He kept sticking his head in the fountain over and over. I'm glad he loves the water like his mama!

Nate loved playing with Claire, Addison & Mackenzie. The twins are Amy & Anthony's little girlies (Mimi's bro. & sis in law) ~ they kept Nate occupied, that's for sure! He loved watching them since they are a few stages ahead of him. I think that's what saved me from having a cranky little man.
Saturday was P E R F E C T. It started out with Wes, Nate & I meeting another great friend from BYU and his cute wife at an adorable place, La Grande Orange, for breakfast. Joe and I were great friends at BYU.....he even lived with my family & I for a summer when he had an internship in Vegas. It was great to see them.
The rest of the day was spent at a F A B U L O U S park with the Merrill Clan. It had a train for kids to ride, a big lake with ducks, an adorable little park with a water portion and even more that we didn't see. Nate was such a trooper. He was awake A L L day....finally going down for a nap around 3:30. He definitely impressed me with his happiness through his exhaustion. We had a great dinner Saturday night and topped it off with yummy Cold Stone.

Claire & Nate enjoyed stealing each other's binky's.

Addison was our little daredevil at the water fountains on Saturday. She loved being thrown in the air through the water!
It was sooo nice to visit with everyone. We had a wonderful weekend and it was nice to meet all of the kiddos I've been watching growing up through the blog. Thanks for being such great hosts, Mimi & Dan! It was great to see you Anthony, Amy, the girlies & Nicole!
I have to say that every time I go to Phoenix I realize how much more they have than Las Vegas. They have great non-chain restaurants, amazing parks, some culture, professional sports, etc. It’s a pretty cool city. I think I'll be going back soon. And when I do.....can I see you, Julie Bingham? :)
So Dan might be a littttle offended you said the Merrill clan and not Skeehan's too, but I guess since I still get to be half-Merrill and the rest were ALL Merrill's then we get the overwhelming vote... ;)
Lindz, we had such a WONDERFUL time with you guys. It could not have been any nicer. Thank you so much for coming. We miss seeing you all the time, so it is definitely our turn to come to you.
And, Claire already misses Nate. She let me know that all night long last night.
Looks like you had a great time with your friends! Glad you liked Phoenix. There are some amazing people there and so much to see and do.
I'm glad that you all had a great time and that Nate cooperated on the trip. I loved all of the pictures...by the way, you look GREAT!
It sounds like you had a great time. I don't think that I have ever been to that park. What was it called? As for when you come down, let me know we can plan something, I would love to see you guys.
Looks like fun! We loved the Phoenix area. It has lots of fun things to do. When we lived there last year we would go to Diamondback games and get dollar seats. The kids loved it!
Amazing pictures and what a fun weekend!! Claire and Nate are so cute.
(We really need to get together - I hope that we can work something out this summer!)
Who are you calling short?? Just kidding:) It looks like you guys had a really fun trip and got to do a lot and see a lot of people. We never have that kind of organization of vacations!!
And you definitely need to keep an eye on Nate. . .it doesn't look like that was his first kiss!
Looks like a fun time! I forget how much fun Phoenix is. And look at Nate hitting on the ladies already...I hope his Dad didn't teach him that!
Nate is growing so fast and definitely seems to have his own unique personality. I look forward to the day lil' Spence and I can come to visit again, but we are counting down the days you come in July to Georgia.
I think my favorite picture was the one of the babies kissing! SO CUTE! It looks like you guys had tons of fun! We hope you come to see us soon!
How fun!!! I am jealous. I love Phoenix, my Mom is from there, and I've always loved it. I agree, I like it better than Vegas.
Nate is such a happy little boy! I love how great all of your pictures are!
Looks like you had a terrrrefic time with your friends in Arizona. Both Jen's computers are down so she won't be able to read how much you loved it but I guess their minds are pretty much made up anyway. Your little Nate looks like he does know how to give those kisses. Way cute pics.
What a fun trip! And what great pictures. Their little Clair reminds me of one of my chubby little girls. I love it. The one of her and Nate kissing... did I see tongue????! Wes, what are you teaching him?
Ok so when things mellow out enough, we're ready for you, floor's done... workers out of my hair. I've got to see this quickly growing little guy!
Thanks for sharing the pictures of your trip. It is fun to see Mimi and Day with a baby, too! Those two babies will find it so funny that they spent time in the tub together when they were babies! Thanks!
Thanks for sharing the pictures of your trip. It is fun to see Mimi and Day with a baby, too! Those two babies will find it so funny that they spent time in the tub together when they were babies! Thanks!
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