Let me give some background. When Nate was 2 months old, he refused to nurse. I tried and tried but he would not do it. Instead of arguing with my baby every 3 hours, I decided to pump my life away to give him breastmilk in a bottle. So, since he was 2 months old he's been drinking solely bottles. I gave him formula every few days so he'd drink it if necessary. He's never been picky about his milk.
A few weeks ago, Nate decided that he didn't really want milk anymore. At least that's what I thought. Really, he just doesn't want it when I feed it to him. He will not drink milk out of a bottle if it's me trying to feed him. The minute I hand him to someone else he eats right away. There's another trick to this....I can't even be in the room. If he sees me, he won't eat. Tonight, we were putting him down for the night & I literally had to leave the room before he would start eating. Earlier when I was at my mom's, I started to feed him but he wouldn't eat. As soon as my mom tried, he ate the whole bottle. What a quirky kid. Anyone have any ideas as to why this is or how I can fix it?
Wes is going skiing this weekend with the young men so if I show up on your door step with a baby and a bottle ~ please feed him for me!
Here are a few pictures of Mr. Quirky....
sucking on a cold carrot.
laughing with dad before church
his new favorite thing is to climb the kitchen chair!
That's really frustrating - I am sorry I have no advice. Hopefully someone else will. I am so wishing to be done with nursing, but trying to stick with it a couple more months. We'll see...
try a sippy cup....
Tried the sippy cup....tried a regular cup....tried a different nipple...nothing works! All it takes is a different person. :)
Every kid is different! At least you have figured out what it takes so he won't starve! As parents we just keep trying!!!
So cute!!!
No clue! That is comical to me, though! =) I love his jammies in that last picture. Hearthbreaker!
Hey at least you figured out why he wasn't wanting a bottle! He cracks me up!
What a kid! Like Mom said, you just keep trying. Isn't it funny how picky kids can be even at such a young age??
Feel free to knock on my door - I will feed Nate!!
That's bizarre... at leat he's cute!! He looks darling - especially in the camo!
Hey, I did read about something like that - but it was the kid wouldn't take the bottle because he wanted to nurse on the mom - wanted the real thing I guess? Maybe if you still have any milk left try that? Other than that I'm worthless (but what's new?!)
I agree with Ali try a sippy cup that was the trick with miss A.
Wow! What a dilemma!! What do you do when Wes is at work?!
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