Since that wasn't happening and the situation was only getting worse, I called his doctor yesterday and they wanted to see him today. We discovered an ear infection which could explain why he doesn't want a bottle most of the time. It may be hurting his poor little ears. And, she thinks he's teething which could also add to it. I didn't really consider the ear infection since he got over his cold a week or so ago and is a happy kid. Wes was a "silent sick kid", meaning his mom never knew how severe his sicknesses were because he never acted any different. I think he even had Scarlet Fever at some point and acted normal. Looks like Nate might be the same way. Other than not wanting milk, he was his happy normal self with no signs of anything bothering him.
After his antibiotics, if he still doesn't want milk, then she said to try to flavor the milk with 1). vanilla extract 2). Nestle strawberry powder to make it strawberry milk or 3). chocolate powder for chocolate milk. I guess it's better for him to have extra sugar and all of the nutrients than no extra sugar and no vitamins. We'll see how far Nate makes me go to get him to drink his milk.
Until then, we sit tight and hope the antibiotics do the trick. It is nice to at least have a plan to figure out how to get him to drink his milk again. It's too important for his little body!
Welcome to my world! Wes really had such a high pain tolerance. Thank goodness we found out about his ears, too, because he just didn't complain! Glad Nate is doing well!
okay so your blog hasn't been coming up on my google reader so i haven't read it in a while. Can I just say I think your little boy may even possibly be cuter than my boys.....is that bad for a mom to say? I just think he is the cutest thing ever!!!
When I weened Bayley she refused to drink plain milk. We had to flavor her milk at a very young age just to get her to drink any. Even then she wasn't a big drinker, but she was a good eater. So our doctor just told us to make sure that she was able to get plenty of dairy from her foods. I know that Nate is a little younger than Bayley was, but hopefully he will start drinking good for you all once his ears clear up!
All the things we have to worry about as mothers! At least he is a good little trooper and handles pain well. Hope he get better! And he is a lucky little guy...getting flavored milk!
Saige did the same thing. She was always happy as a butterfly and then all of the sudden she would quit eating and we would find out she had an ear infection. Kids can be such a mystery at times, hopefully the antibiotics help.
Such a cute picture of the little guy.
Poor thing--- it seems like ear infections are following a LOT of colds right now. Hopefully that will solve your prob--- if not, what lucky guy--- I'd LOVE to live on chocolate milk!
Sounds like the perfect explanation. I hope it was the ear infection so you can get some of that good juice back into his little body!!!
Have you tried him on a sippy cup? Sometimes they just don't want the bottle anymore and it has nothing to do with the milk. He's kind of young but you could give it a try.
Ummmm.... let me just warn you that once you go chocolate/strawberry....you never go back. Those little tantrums he is throwing for his fruit mesh bag will be a drop in the bucket when you try to take the chocolate out of his chocolate milk! Fortunately you can blame your pediatrician, I can only blame my parents.
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