Sunday, April 22, 2007

I'm off to the Big Apple

I leave tomorrow morning for New York! Sam & I are flying out tomorrow so I can spend a full day with Laurel before our girls trip actually begins! My mom comes out on Tuesday night to meet up with Sam & I for a week in NYC.

I now realize that when I go on vacation, I have to enjoy absolutely every minute that I'm away because the before and after part of a vacation just plain SUCK. Trying to get everything ready for work so my dad can survive a week without us in the office....running errands and getting the house in decent shape before I leave.....not to mention my calling in YW. We have a camp fundraiser next weekend that I'm missing (which I'm actually really sad about!) so I've been trying to do my part and do as much as I can before I leave. Needless to say, it's been a crazy week in preparation & coming home to 200 emails isn't fun either. The nice part about coming home is that my wonderful husband has always done a project or two for me while I'm gone.

I look forward to enjoying every minute of my vacation with my mom and Sam. We've never done a girls trip like this before so I'm thinking it's a great new tradition. We wish Ali could join us but it makes it harder for her with her little ones.

Hope you all have a FABULOUS week! I know I will. :) See you tomorrow Laurel!


The Boz said...

Have a great time! I'm sure you're going to have a blast! I still can't believe that with all of your travels you have never been. Talk to you when you get back!

Lillie said...

I'm so jealous that you're there! I was supposed to almost overlap with you right?! I'll have to live vicariously through your stories when you get back. Have FUN!!!!!!!

Katie said...

I'm so glad you found me! I've been dying to tell you congrats on the baby. I actually found out through Jenn Mullen. I couldn't believe my mom didn't tell me first. I'm so excited for you. I hope you are all having a fun time in NYC. I'm jealous. I need a fun girls weekend getaway.