I have entered in the world of absolute constant communication now that I have emails on my new phone.....the Q. In my work life, it's perfect. I can get emails without having to be at work so I know when that important approval comes through or when a new job needs to be started. However, I'm going to have to get in the habit of not checking it once I leave the office or else I don't feel like I will ever have a break from work. The main reason I bought it was for when I work from home after the bambino is born. That way I don't have to be near my computer at all during the day and I can still communicate with my co-workers and clients. It has worked well for my sister Ali so I thought I'd give it a try.
I'm finally getting the hang of all the buttons & options. It's amazing what technology we have these days and how easy our lives have become.
You fancy, technological, corporate American, professional woman!
I am very impressed.
Watch out for those Blackberry's they slowly creap into your life until you are unable to function without a quick check of the email. They are way way way sweet when you're lost on the road and looking for some place to eat though. It's amazing to have google search at all times.
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