My mom's love of decorating rubbed off on me at a very young age. While I still loved clothes & accessories, I almost always preferred to use my money growing up to buy a piece of furniture, a picture frame, new bedding, etc. That being said, I have ALOT of home decor. Most of the stuff I'm not using right now was in my fourth bedroom. aka "the storage room" which is shortly going to be the baby's room. I'm trying to stay ahead of the game so I started clearing out that room and I was having so much fun organizing that I went through every piece of home decor I own and got rid of most of it! It is all packed in my car!
The nice thing is that I live within 15 minutes of both of my sisters so we're always swapping things. Like I said in the title of this blog....what is junk to me is a treasure to Ali or Sam, and vise versa. We are constantly exchanging clothes that don't fit, home decor we're sick of, cookbooks we don't use, etc. Now that my car is full, I'll be going to visit them today to see if they want any of what I consider, junk. Even though a lot of it is close to brand new!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Anya and I met back in Kindergarten at Nate Mack Elementary School. She is one of my oldest and dearest friends. We've been through quite a bit together, especially from high school up until now. She is one of those people that you are always guaranteed a good time with. When we're together we just talk and laugh for hours. She lives in Vegas with her husband Sam and her two adorable little boys....Noah and Isaac.
The photo attached is a picture of Anya and I with our Kindergarten teacher and a few friends. I'm on the far left in the bright blue and white and Anya is in the pink tank top.
The reason I bring her up is because we finally saw them last night. It seems like our schedules never work on the weekends and we finally found a Saturday that worked! We went to one of our favorite hole-in-the-wall mexican restaurants...Macayo's. They had two extra tickets to the UNLV/New Mexico basketball game so we went there with them as well. The seats weren't together so I got to chat with Anya for hours while Sam and Wes enjoyed the game. It was a great game....UNLV won in overtime. I'm definitely still a Cougar fan, but it's fun to cheer on the Rebels too. It reminded me of how much fun Wes and I have with them & how I wish we could see them more often.
Friday, January 26, 2007

I've never been a big TV watcher. There have been few shows in my life where I've had to be home at a certain time in order to catch that week's episode. However, my love of TV shows has changed in the last few years. I've become absolutely addicted to TV shows on DVD.
I guess it all began when Leah told Mimi about a deal at Costco where we could get ALL of the friends seasons on DVD for like $5 a season. So of course, I bought them all. Then, my sisters convinced me to start watching Gilmore Girls. My friend Leslie and I watched all of the seasons together. Then we were told that we needed to start watching Grey's Anatomy, which by the way, is the best show on television. Leslie & I watched season 1 and 2 in a matter of days (pathetic, I know) and my sister has all of the season 3 episodes on her computer that I need to watch. A friend told Wes that we needed to give Lost a try. Both of us are addicted to this one too and are counting down the days to February 7 when a new episodes airs. My latest is Felicity, thanks to Mimi who let me borrow season 1 and 2 & I think Laurel inspired me to watch all of the Golden Girls, which is a favorite of ours from college. What will be next? Who knows. I'm obviously a sucker for recommendations. And with blockbuster online, it couldn't be easier to just get disk after disk after disk.....

I was in Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington all day yesterday. I am handling two condominium projects up there and I had a few meetings to attend since we are about to open one of the properties for sales.
Everytime I go up there, they tell me that they are having great weather, the sun is shining, etc. And every time I arrive, there is thick fog, no sun, and it's COLD. Is that what people in the Northwest consider good weather? :) It made me appreciate my desert where the sun shines pretty much every day. While I would LOVE to live in a city where there is a river running through it & beautiful green it worth it when it's gloomy so much? We spend a lot of time in Georgia with Wes' family and while it is beautiful and green, it rains a TON, which I'm not sure I could handle either. Has anyone lived in a city that is beautiful & green, with either a river or a lake that you'd see every day, AND good weather? While I love my hometown of Las Vegas, it's really lacking the "pretty" factor. :)
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
I'm not very good with unexpected change. Our ward split last week & that was a huge surprise to me. We lost a lot of families and a lot of "important people" in "big" callings. One being my Young Women's President & our first counselor. Little did I know that when you lose a President, they usually release the entire presidency. That is the part that made me really sad. Wes and I have these two friends that we do ALOT with.....Ryan & Leslie. Well, Leslie was the second counselor in the YW Presidency...together we were in charge of the cutest little Beehives.
Anyway, they released Leslie and that made me VERY sad. I should have known that a calling where you spent the majority of your time with one of your good friends wouldn't last forever. :) We have a new Presidency, and they will be great, but it won't be the same.
Anyway, they released Leslie and that made me VERY sad. I should have known that a calling where you spent the majority of your time with one of your good friends wouldn't last forever. :) We have a new Presidency, and they will be great, but it won't be the same.
I was upstairs, just about done getting ready, and I walked in to the hallway and I could smell bacon cooking, which didn't bother me. Then I kept walking and I smelled the eggs in an omelet. I started immediately gagging & dry heaving....the smell just about killed me. Needless to say I ran downstairs and it was obviously more potent down there so I ran outside. I was still gagging so I ran back inside with my nose plugged, grabbed my keys, and ran to my car to go to work.
Wes will have to do without an omelet for a while.
Wes will have to do without an omelet for a while.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I waited to post this until I talked to all of you who actually read my blog! Here is our little peanut in our second ultrasound. It was so neat to be able to hear the heartbeat. It's so amazing to me that something that is still so small can have a beating heart. Even though I've seen the little one a few times on the screen, it's still hard to believe that it is in ME. I don't think it has truly set in that I'm pregnant.
I want to say thank you to you ALL for being so excited for us. It made it so fun to tell everyone because you were all so dynamic - I loved it. We're looking forward to this new adventure in our lives. As you think of things that were helpful for you or things you wish you would have done during your pregnancies....please send any information my way. I'd love to hear about anything that worked for you! LWalker: I remember you saying you read a book after Avery was born that saved your life. What was that called?
I will apologize now if my blogs during the next 6 months are a little biased towards our little one! Love you all!
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